A month ago, the Potter manor had gotten a visitor. He wasn't dressed too differently from many older wizards, so Harry Potter took no heed of his deep red cloak. Harry did notice that the man held a certain power to him. It washed over Harry the moment touched the door knob.The only reason Harry hadn't reached for his wand, was because of the fact that his instincts were telling him that the man meant no harm.
The newcomer gave a small smile and introduced himself as Stephen Strange. Harry was glad when Mr. Strange didn't mention the twitch on his lips at his name.
The two had eventually found themselves in the living room where he was originally about to enjoy a cup of tea. After he acquired a cup for his guest, Stephen began the conversation.
"How much do you know about the Mystic Arts?" Harry had paused in pouring them both a cup of tea to look up at the older man.
"Quite a bit. I just finished studying it a year ago." Harry finished pouring the tea.
This was a true statement. Harry has been looking more and more into the muggle world. They're not as hopeless as the wizarding world believes. He wants his world to see that they are more than just an overpopulated nuisance.
"Good, so you won't be confused when I say that I am the Sorcerer's Supreme." Stephen began fixing his cup to his liking just as Harry had been.
Harry blinked at the man in silent awe. This man held a power to him that the best of wizards could only dream of having. Harry didn't envy him though, it was probably a terrible privilege. A responsibility weighing in on him at all times. Harry's been there and done that. He's had enough terrible privileges to last him a lifetime.
"That's...Interesting," Harry took a sip of his tea. "May I just ask what this has to do with me?"
Stephen raised his eyebrows, "Rosemarie Potter ring a bell?"
Harry suddenly went numb. A cold feeling rushed over him. He didn't even flinch at the sound of his cup crashing to the floor. He didn't even move when the voice of his fiance reached his ears. In fact, his eyes never left the man in front of him.
He couldn't understand how Stephen continued to use his skills and fix Harry's cup with a slight hand as though he didn't just shake Harry's world.
Of course Harry knew about his sister. He might have been five when a little four year old Rose went missing, but he still remembered. He couldn't find it in him to forget the day his Rosie got snatched from the sandbox while his aunt's back was turned. He was still young so his mind doesn't hold many memories of her, but that day never went away.
Her name was a whisper in the wizarding world. There were many rumors, but the most commonly believed was that a loose death eater captured her and took their revenge. In fact he heard it so much that he began to agree with them. Even though something in his heart was telling him that she was still out there somewhere.
"Harry!" Ginny's voice beside him knocked him out of his trance.
He looked over at her as she was sitting on the right of him. He had briefly wondered when she came downstairs, but this thought was fleeting.
His head snapped back to Stephen who was still looking at him. The only difference was the look of seriousness on his face.
"What about her?" He grit out in slight anger. He was trying to control his emotions considering this man could be telling him that she was alive and well.
Stephen leaned back slightly, he knew he had the wizards complete attention.
"What if I told you she's alive and well?" He stated as though he was a mind reader
Harry narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists so tight that if he did it any harder he would leave a mark. He only released when a delicate hand belonging to Ginny, was placed on his knee.
"You better not be joking. Cause I'm not laughing."
"I'm not." Stephen stood up and continued, "See I'm from a different time than the one we are currently in." It was then that he reached up and grabbed the object around his neck.
Harry immediately recognized the necklace. It was the same one that allowed him and his sister by choice, Hermione, to save his godfather. Though the one around this man's neck was silver instead of gold and it looked a tad bit more complicated.
Stephen Strange was wearing a Time Turner.
"I'm from a time that's quite far from 2005. 2023." He held up the time turner, "The time turner was originally created by a master of the Mystic Arts, but it's power was too great. Ours can go back for days, months and even years. Many of them were destroyed and hidden because of this fact. One however, was stolen from one of our sanctuaries. Ten years later, word got out that a wizard had created the first time travel device. I could rant about how flawed and less powerful it is , but we would be here all day." Stephen stopped to allow Harry and his fiance to process it all.
Harry wasn't quite sure where this was going, but he didn't dare interrupt Sorcerer Supreme in the middle of his history lesson. Ginny looked lost about what was happening, but she was smart enough to read the room and not interrupt. Her and Harry hardly had secrets, so she knew she would be filled in before bed.
Stephen, seeing that there were no Interjections, continued, "Our main source of power when it comes to time, was recently destroyed, so we're back to the old artifacts." He had made his way back into his seat. "Rose and I decided to take a look at everything. To put it shortly, our lives are screwed." Stephen lost all formality at this point.
It slightly startled the couple how exhausted he looked when saying the last part. The man had been nothing short of put together, so this was a change in his pace that neither expected.
Strange huffed at their reaction.
"She wanted to be here but she's kind of in a bit of a family emergency. Something with her adopted sister being stuck in some kind of TV."
Strange interrupted Harry, "Look, the point is, we want things to change. To fix some things that have been broken."
He held his hands up like a scale and tilted the right hand higher than the left.
"Your past!"
Left higher.
"Her past!"
Right higher.
"Your war!"
Left higher.
"Definitely, our war!"
Hands dropped.
"So we thought of a way to kill two birds and one stone." Stephen leaned back and raised his eyebrow in question.
Harry looked at the love of his life. Ginny was smart enough to use context clues, so she understood enough of what was happening. So Harry felt lighter when he saw a small smile and a look of reassurance on her face. He was then reminded that no matter what he chose she would be by his side. That was enough for him to be confident in his decisions.
"Let's hear it."
Authors Note:
I work really hard not to be too cliche.
I am still working out the kinks in who my character is. I want her to be as amazing as Natasha, but make her more original.
Putting her in the Marvel storyline ain't as easy as it sounds, because I don't want a Mary Sue character who takes over and dominates everyone's spotlights and fights.
I want her to have her own moments. She ain't perfect. She taking hits and bleeding like the rest.
Most Importantly:
Don't be a silent reader!Enough of that.
Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!

Another Lost Soul
FanfictionThe marauders era just finished watching the life of Harry Potter. Everyone took a month to regroup before they decided they were ready to see the fate of Harry Potters missing sister. Rosemarie Potter was only four when she was kidnapped at the p...