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"Forgot my hair tie." Kitty huffed as she yanked her hair away from her face. She suddenly froze when the giant Leviathan floated past her and the others.

The Leviathan was housing the chitauri. A number of them would jump from the side of the gigantic thing and cling to the buildings. Some would actually jump into the buildings and begin firing at civilians.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked as he looked up at the giant creature.

"All of Manhattan is seeing this." Kitty said, not taking her eyes off the creature.

"Seeing. Still working on believing." Tony was trailing the Leviathan. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tonya asked.

"Banner?" Steve asked in confusion.

"Just keep me posted." Tony told them. "Jarvis, find me a soft spot." Tony told his AI as he flew beside the Leviathan with nothing but a building in between them.

Back with Thor and Loki...

"Look at this!" Thor shouted in Loki's face. Loki looked at the chaos in a daze. "You think this madness will end with your rule?"

"It's too late." Loki said to Thor, his voice remorseful. "It's too late to stop it."

"You believe the best in him." Alice said.

Everyone could see the desperation on movie Thor's face.

Thor shrugged sadly.

Sirius smiled softly. He felt like he could relate.

"No. we can, together." Thor said with certainty.

Loki's eyes softened momentarily, before hardening again. He stabbed Thor with a dagger he snuck out during Thor's speech. Thor groaned in pain and dropped his hammer. Loki let go of him as Thor stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

"Sentiment." Loki said mockingly.

Thor stood up and charged at Loki. He grabbed the god of mischief by his horned helmet before kicking him into the glass paneling on the balcony. Thor grabbed Loki and body slammed him into the ground again.

Loki didn't even bother getting back up. He quickly rolled off of the balcony and onto an empty alien chariot that flew by. Thor looked around in frustration and anger when he yanked the dagger out of his side.

+The Captain's group was crouched behind some taxis.

"We've got civilians still trapped up here." Clint informed Steve.

They all looked up at the sudden attack of an entire group of Chitauri nearby. Cars and people were being blown up.

"Loki." Steve said. Loki was the one leading the sudden attack. "They're fish in a barrel down there." He ducked suddenly as some Chitauri shot in their direction."

Natasha stood up and began quickly shooting back. Clint and Kitty moved to a different car to get out of the line of fire. Natasha sunk back down to her crouch when a few more aliens landed in front of them.

Natasha looked to Steve and Kitty. "We got this. It's good. Go."

"Thats a lot to take on by yourselves." Lily said in concern.

"We survived a lot more." Nat shrugged.

"Do you think you can hold them off?" Steve asked for reassurance.

Clint looked back with a smile on his face. "Captain," He clicked a few buttons on his quiver and it lit up and prepared an arrow. "it would be my genuine pleasure." Clint stood up with practiced ease and shot an arrow straight into a Chitauri's eye socket. Natasha followed and began shooting at them with a handgun in both hands.

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