Fury stood in his office facing the windows. His hands were behind his back and his posture was tense.
"Secure office!" He said aloud.
The large windows in his office settled into a dark tent. Fury turned to face his desk and pulled out the USB drive that Natasha used to collect the data from the ship. Fury plugged it into the reader on his desk. The drive made a clicking sound before lighting up in an electric blue color.
"Open Lemurian Star's satellite launch file." Fury commanded of the SHIELD computer.
The computer started up before letting out a beeping sound.
"Access Denied."
Fury tilted his head in slight confusion. "Run decryption."
He rounded the table slowly to get to the big computer screen on the wall. The screen was directly in front of his desk.
"Decryption failed."
"Something is about to go terribly wrong." Clint said.
"It always does." Tony sighed heavily.
"Director override. Fury, Nicholas J." Fury tried again.
The computer processed the command.
"Override denied. All files sealed."
"On whose authority?" Fury asked with a biting tone.
"Fury Nicholas J."
"That's freaky." Peter shivered.
"I take it, he didn't give that command." Emerson said.
"No, I don't think he did." Andrew answered.
The screen changed to show Fury stepping into the elevator.
"World Security Council." He told the computer in the elevator.
"Confirmed." The computer answered.
Fury looked deeply upset and disturbed.
[Scene Change]
"If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs and STRIKE commandos to mop up his mess, he's sadly mistaken. This failure is unacceptable." A male council member ranted.
The Security council was projected on glass screens in front of rolling chairs. The screens and the chairs give the illusion of them sitting in the chairs.
"Steve, you just got called a 'costumed thug'. Personally, I wouldn't take that." Sonya snickered with Bucky.
"Considering this attack took place one mile from my country's sovereign water's, it's a bit more than that. I move for immediate hearing." Another councilman complained.
"We don't need hearings, we need action. It's this council's duty to oversee SHIELD." A councilwoman stepped in.
"A breach like this raises serious questions." A different councilman voiced.
"Like how the hell did a French pirate manage to hijack a covert SHIELD vessel in broad daylight." The first councilman grumbled angrily.
"I get the feeling that all they do is complain." Dorcas said.
"For the record, councilman, he's Algerian. I can draw a map if it'd help." Alexander Pierce, Secretary of the World Security Council, snarked. He had been pacing back and forth listening to the hologram council complain.

Another Lost Soul
FanfictionThe marauders era just finished watching the life of Harry Potter. Everyone took a month to regroup before they decided they were ready to see the fate of Harry Potters missing sister. Rosemarie Potter was only four when she was kidnapped at the p...