The media was showcased on a screen. News channels are all talking about the invasion of New York and the mess that was made. There were many mixed emotions on the so called heroes that saved the world.
"They can't honestly blame you guys for this." Hermione huffed.
"A mess was made, lives were lost and homes were destroyed. They needed someone to blame. We were the easiest targets." Natasha told her with a bitter smile.
"We donated money and even helped clean up as much of the mess as we could." Tony shrugged.
"The only thing you can do is your best. After that, it's out of your hands." Rose said.
"Tough questions are being asked about the avengers themselves."
Thor walked a restrained and muzzled Loki onto the bridge.
"Their appearance..."
Tony, Steve, Bruce, Kitty, Natasha and Clint joined the two gods on the bridge.
"And their equally sudden disappearance..."
[Scene Change]
"What, this is all somehow their fault?" A banged up waitress was being interviewed. "Captain America saved my life." She let out a relieved laugh. "Wherever he is, and wherever any of them are, I would just...I would want to say thank you."
The women in the room began to aww at Steve.
"He's a gentlemen without trying." Rose teased.
"Barton." Steve said sternly, but the small smile made it more of a joke than anything.
The council was watching the interview through conference calls.
"Where are the avengers?" One of the men asked.
"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they earned a leave of absence." Fury snarked.
"Thank you!" Rose threw her hands up at. SHIELD worked them like crazy.
"And the Tesseract?" The only woman asked.
[Scene Change]
Selvig grabbed a cylindrical container device.
"The Tesseract is where it belongs."
Bruce picked up the Tesseract from the briefcase, using a pair of tongs.
"Out of our reach."
Bruce placed the Tesseract in the device that Selvig was holding.
Steve looked at the Tesseract with a piercing stare of anger. He really hated that thing.
[Scene Change]
"That's not your call." The first councilman chided.
"No, but it was ours." Steve said with a small smirk.
"I didn't make it." Fury said unfazed. "I just didn't argue with the god that did."
"I thought you said that all of you made that decision?" Regulus tilted his head in their direction.
"We did, but we let the man who conjures lightning do the talking. Figured he'd have more sway than us." Rose snickered.
[Scene Change]
"So, you let him take it..."
Thor placed a hand on Selvig's shoulder and gave him a soft smile.

Another Lost Soul
أدب الهواةThe marauders era just finished watching the life of Harry Potter. Everyone took a month to regroup before they decided they were ready to see the fate of Harry Potters missing sister. Rosemarie Potter was only four when she was kidnapped at the p...