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Loki watched them in anger and disgust. "Send the rest."

"Who is he talking to?" Wanda asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I don't know. His imaginary friend, maybe." Rose shrugged.

"He hasn't spoken to Arvie since he was young." Thor chipped in.

Everyone looked at him.

"What?" he asked

Multiple Leviathans came out of the portal along with many Chitauri.

Natasha looked up at the portal in concern. "Guys." she gathered all of their attention.

"We barely got through one." Kitty mumbled.

"Call it, Captain." Tony called through the ear piece.

"All right, listen up." Steve walked a little ways ahead of them while still looking up at the portal. "Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Want to give me a lift?" Clint asked Tony.

"Right. Better clench up Legolas." Tony said. He walked over to Clint and grabbed him by his vest before taking off.

"Lego-who?" Draco frowned.

"Lord of the rings." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Why would anyone be lord over a ring." Thor asked in confusion.

"It's a book." Audrey informed him.

Thor nodded as though he understood, but everyone could tell he didn't.

"Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up." Steve continued.

Thor nodded before whipping his hammer in a circle and allowing it to carry him away.


"Which one?" Kitty and Nat asked simultaneously.

"Do you guys do that often?" Lily laughed.

The sisters looked at one another before looking back at Lily and shaking their heads no.

Ron and Ginny looked at one another sadly. They were reminded of Fred and George. They couldn't help but think about how they wouldn't see that anymore.

"Nikita, I need you to take care of the civilians. Coordinate with the cops, make sure everyone is in some kind of shelter. We can't worry about them and the portal."

Kitty nodded and retracted her blade for the millionth time that day. "Don't die." she said sternly to Natasha. The older woman rolled her eyes but nodded at her sister.

This was enough for Kitty to close her eyes and let her magic gather at her hands. This time the magic took the form of a black cloud of smoke. The smoke quickly engulfed her body before she disappeared along with it.

Steve looked at Natasha. "You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here." he then looked back for his last command. "And Hulk..." The green giant looked at him impatiently. Steve pointed at him before stating. "Smash."

"Iconic." Audrey mumbled.

The hulk didn't need to be told twice. He smiled viciously before launching himself onto a nearby building. He snatched up a stray Chitauri from the building and launched both him and the alien to the building across from that one.

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