[Chapter Four]: In Math class

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Toni's POV
In Math Class

"We're here!" Veronica says "thanks Veronica" I say, "like I said before anything for a friend now I gtg but see u later?" Veronica says, "yeah but where would i find u?"  "When you get out if class look for a lounge ok? that's where me and friends hang out after class" "Ok thanks again Veronica" , "no problem also call me V" she says but before she walked away she said one more thing. 

"Oh and good luck, u got the smelly teacher first period" she said before walking away.

I knocked on the door to my math class and the teacher opened the door and said, "Your late Ms Antoinette" she said kind of mad, "Sorry Ms...?"

"Ms Smith" she's says finishing for me, "Come in" she says. As I was walking in I got a whiff of her and she smelled like 500 old sweaty gym socks and shit and piss mixed together. Veronica was right she was smelly. I scrunched up my nose when I was walking in because omg she stank so bad.

"Ok Antoine-"
"Just call me Toni please" I said cutting her off "Ok Toni she says "tell us about your self"

"Ok well my names Toni Topaz I am 16 years old I'm from Southside high-" and before I could finish my sentence heather raised her hand. God why did the universe have to put me in a class with her "Yes Heather?" Ms Smith said "I have a question for Topaz over here" she said,

"Yes?" I said annoyed "why did u choose to come to Riverdale high?" She asked "I didn't choose they picked for me you should know that we all got a slip of all the school's and which school we were going too. You were there Heather "I said "Ok well you can leave no one will care" she said "Heather I honestly don't know what ur problem is with me but it's getting really annoying and childish" I said

"My problem with you is you think ur so cool just because u already have girls and boys crushing on when ur not even bi ur a dyke and u just got here she said"

"Ok first of all how are you gonna call me a dyke when you yourself are one? I said walking to her desk "And second of all Shut the fuck up because I didn't even know that and I also don't know why you care so much I think ur jealous to be honest but it's ok to be I understand that I give any fuck about you to understand but maybe the reason why nobody likes you is bc ur an annoying embarrassing disrespectful ass bitch" I said getting in her face while she looks me dead in the eye I just smirk at her

"HEY NO CUSSING IN MY CLASS AND ENOUGH WITH THIS HORRIBLE CONVERSATION " said Ms. Stinky Smith "Sorry Ms. Smith" I say getting out of that pig's face

"Omg ur so dramatic u cant even talk you smell like straight up sweaty old socks, shit and piss" Heather said rolling her eyes and everybody starts laughing I even laughed a little myself but quietly so Ms Smith wouldn't hear me  "DETENTION FOR YOU MS JONES!" Ms Smith says, "Whatever" heather said

After Math class its English and we had to do a 2 page paragraph about ourselves after about 5 minutes it was time to share.  First it was this tall boy that has a really nice jawline but definitely not my type since im gay.

"Hi im Reggie Mantle-" 'reggie? More like veggie' I said in my head "I like playing football with my cousins sometimes, baking, and woman ofc 😏" he said with a smirk. 'I cringed when he said that'

"Boys will be boys" I said to myself under my breath so no one would hear me, "I'm sorry I was joking but I also like to go on walks to clear my head and drawing sometimes". "Thank you" he said and walked back to his seat. *Sigh* "this is going to be a loooooong class" I said to myself


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and much love to you for reading it 💗 - Livy <3

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