[Chapter Five]: Friends?

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I'm tired of this. I'm in English class rn listening to people tell facts abt themselves which I really don't care abt how do u expect me to act? Like.. oH U pLaY tHe pIaNo sOmEtIMeS?! tHaTs sOo cOOl!
I literally want to jump in front of a bus rn.

Idgaf I don't wanna listen to you rn. I'm sorry lemme stop bc I bet ppl feel the same way when I have to do that. But hey at least im out of math class cause that teacher was gonna kill me sooner or later with that smell of hers, but little did I know my worst nightmare was coming towards me in 3. 2. 1- "Antoinette Topaz" the teacher said.

I looked up at my teacher Mr. Collins after drifting off into space and all eyes were on me. "It's ur turn to share to the class about yourself and what are ur hobbies," Mr. Collins said. Oh for god's sake's I said in my head, so I put my foot down after resting it on the table and get of my seat and went up to the front of the class.

"Hi i'm Toni topaz-" I already hate this', I said in my head. "I'm a south side serpent im 16 years old and most of the time I like to go on rides around the town on my motorcycle to escape reality bc this world is very shitty." I said finishing reading my paper out loud, "Wow thank u for sharing that to the class Antoinette" Mr. Collins said. "Thank u and I'd like to be called Toni btw" I said (I know it wasn't a 2 page paragraph but idc 😂)

"Ok then Toni u can go back to ur seat now" Mr. Collins says while smiling, ok class so now we are gonna to be doing- blah blah blah, ok so fast forward after English class I walk and find some place to sit and relax and I find a lounge to sit in and i definitely wasn't going to be the only one sitting there. First there was that raven haired girl I bumped into earlier sitting next to a blonde haired girl that was a wearing a white crop top with a sliver necklace, a blue, brown and white flannel with white sweatpants, white converse and her hair was down.

 First there was that raven haired girl I bumped into earlier sitting next to a blonde haired girl that was a wearing a white crop top with a sliver necklace, a blue, brown and white flannel with white sweatpants, white converse and her hair was down

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^^ Betty's outfit without the small handbag and the choker

And I have to say she looks breathtaking
but they're also with two boys one is redhead and the other is Jughead and the red head is wearing a normal brown shirt, a necklace with the cross on it, some beige cargo pants, one ring, and one bracelet with white Air Forces. Niceeeeee

^^ Archie's outfit without the bag and mask ofc

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^^ Archie's outfit without the bag and mask ofc

And last but not least Forsyth Pendleton Jones the 3rd, And he is wearing a black shirt with black pants and the shirt is tucked inside the pants, with a black belt and a pants chain on the side, with a watch on his wrist and a necklace, and I MUST say he looks goood (He doesn't have his beanie on)

And last but not least Forsyth Pendleton Jones the 3rd, And he is wearing a black shirt with black pants and the shirt is tucked inside the pants, with a black belt and a pants chain on the side, with a watch on his wrist and a necklace, and I MUS...

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^^ Jughead outfit
I have to say these kids have style and im impressed

"Toni!" The raven girl called to me. Oh Veronica right? I asked "yeah nice to see u again and I have some people I liked for u to meet she gestured to the three people other people "The blondie is Betty Cooper my best friend "The black hairded one is i'm sure u already know- "Yeah Jughead jones" I said cutting her off "Yeah he and I go wayyyyyy back"

"Oh Hey Toni what's up?" He said

"What's up is I just cussed out ur sister" I said sitting down next to Betty so Veronica had to sit on the other side of Betty "Ugh what did she do this time he said rolling his eyes"

"well sit back and relax bc we're going on a trip down math class lane" everyone chuckled when I said that. "So first she was asking why I came to this school I told her we all got a slip of all the school's and which school we were going too and then she said and I quote" "ok well you can leave no one will care" "so then I said and I quote again" "Heather I honestly don't know what ur problem is with me but it's getting annoying and childish and she said" "mY pRoBlEM iS u ThInK uR sO COoL bC u aLrEaDy HaVe gIrLs aNd BoYs cRuShInG oN WhEn uR nOt EvEn bI uR a DyKe aNd u JuSt gOt HeRe👹" I ended with a dark devil voice at the dyke part, "so then I cussed her out and said" Ok first of all how are you gonna call me a dyke when ur one yourself Heather ur literally gay get that through ur thick skull. "And second of all shut the fuck up because I didn't even know that and I also don't know why you care so much..I think ur jealous to be honest but it's ok to be I understand that I give any fuck about you to understand but maybe the reason why nobody likes you is bc ur an annoying embarrassing disrespectful ass bitch" I finished and smiled everyone was speechless

"wow um" Jughead said and cleared his throat "it's obviously obvious my sister is a bitch" Jughead said. "Damn right she is! she literally called- whats ur name again?" Betty asked "Toni" I said "Toni a dyke" she said finishing her sentence I chuckled, "she's the biggest asshole" Veronica said "yeah what she said" The red head boy said "I still don't know ur name" I said to him "oh yeah well my name is Archie Andrews" " nice to me you Archie, you too betty I said looking at her and smiling, she smiled back

"Toni I just wanted to say i'm sorry for my sisters ruthless behavior " Jughead said rolling his eyes  "it's alright jug you have no control over ur sister...besides I can handle her im a big boy" I said flexing my muscles and hitting it, everyone chuckled "damn right u are" jughead said chuckling.


guys i kinda like this chapter tbh and this means that Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and Toni are probably friends now. Poor Jughead tho he has to deal with Heathers shenanigans- Livy :)

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