[Chapter Six]: Lunch is the key to making Bestfriends🫶🏽

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Toni's POV
I'm going into lunch rn and I see Jughead, Betty, Archie, and Veronica. I start walking over to them and I see that pig Heather and a beautiful red head girl with Heather's arm around her, im guessing that they're obviously dating and I feel bad that she's with that thing.

I stood behind Veronica, Betty, Jughead, and Archie so the mystery girl and Heather was faced towards me "Hey guys u missed me?" I said with my arms crossed with my famous smirk as my idiot brother would like to call it. The core four turned around as the other two was already looking at me when i got there. I looked at Heather and she gave me a death stare. "Toni! Good to see u again, sit with us" Archie said "Sure might as well sit and chat while im waiting on my cousins and brother" I say while going over and sitting next to the girl who's name I don't know yet "Hey, What's ur name?" I said with a smile to the red headed girl "Cheryl blossom" she said and gives me a small smile, I smile back at her and say "Cute name" and then turn back towards the group to see my brother and cousins walking in.

So I run over to them and they see me coming over and say "Hey Tiny!" "Hey guys I have some friends I made that i'd liked to introduce u guys too minus Jughead since u guys already know him" I say "Ok cool show us to these new fellow humans" Fangs says "ur so weird fangs but yeah what he said show us to them" Jasmine said "Alright follow me" I said

We got to the table and everyone looked up and turned around "Guys everyone except for Jughead these are my cousins Jasmine and Damian and my
brother Fangs" "Hey guys"  Jasmine and Damian said
"Nice to meet u guys" Fangs said 

We got to the table and everyone looked up and turned around "Guys everyone except for Jughead these are my cousins Jasmine and Damian and mybrother Fangs" "Hey guys"  Jasmine and Damian said "Nice to meet u guys" Fangs said 

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 Jasmine Damian and Fangs's outift ^^^ (in order)

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Jasmine Damian and Fangs's outift ^^^ (in order)

"Hey! More friends we should probably go outside and eat though guys cause there's no more seats and especially if Reggie and Jason are supposed to be coming too" Veronica said

"Good idea V let's go" Betty said

They all go outside to the lunch tables and sit down
Third Person POV

"HEY GUYS!" Reggie yells which makes all of us jump and turn our heads "Jesus christ reg are you trying to give us a heartattack?!" Jughead says startled as fuck "Jug shut up respectfully " "HEYYYY BITCHESSSS Jason yells while walking over to us "yeah he's definitely my new best friend" Toni said. "YESSSS BITCH LETS GIVE EACH OTHER MANI-PEDIS" "OMG YES AND WATCH EUPHORIA WHILE DOING IT" Toni said "YESSSS THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT" this is both entertaining and weird" Cheryl said "I like this. These are my type of peopleee" Veronica said "Absolutely Veronica and shush Cherry ur boring" Jason said "I AM NOT, I AM VERY MUCH A FUN PERSON SO SHUT THE FUCK UP" Cheryl said "BITCH FUCK YOU" Jason said. "I like her" Damian said "Im Lesbian" Cheryl said "Bitch! not like that im gay" Damian said "OH. LETS BE BEST FRIENDS" Cheryl said " YOU READ MY MIND" Damian said

"Hey what's ur name" Jasmine asked the redhead boy "Archie Andrews wbu?" "Jasmine Murphy" What shows u watch?" Ummmm Obx, stranger things, I am not okay with this, Riverdale, My Baby sisters a vampire, Trinkets, The Babysitter, The Babysitter killer queen part 2, Victorious and Euphoria" Archie said "OMG U WATCH MY BABYSITTERS A VAMPIRE TOO?!" Jasmine asked "YES BITCH THAT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW AND THEY'RE ALL SO HOT" Archie said "RIGHTTT OMG WE'RE LITERALLY MEANT TO BE BSFS AND THEIR THEME SONG IS SO FUCKING GOOD" Jasmine said "YESSSSS LETS SING IT" Archie said "YOU READ MY FUCKING MIND" Jasmine said
(Archie starts then its Jasmine and its just that routine over and over again)

She's the girl next doorrrr

Nice but not in a heart that's pure

She's the girl next doorrrr

Just for meeeeeeeee!

What u get is what u see

No more maybe it's maybelline

She can give you everything u neeeeeeeed





(Ik it's not the actual song but idc)

"Annddddd scene" Archie said "Thank u" Jasmine said and they both bowed (they both got up when Jasmine said the second "what u need")

"Wow." Toni said "That was good bitches" Jason said "Thank u" Archie and Jasmine said

"Are ur cousins and sister usually like this?" Betty asked Fangs  "Yeah for starters Toni is a usual but also special Gay. She's a funny, chill, and cocky person but when she finds her people she's a whole different person. Now, Damian is a crazy, outgoing, funny person and he calls people names for fun like he just did with the redhead girl but he's lucky she's seems to be a person who can take a joke bc if she wasn't that type of person they would've been fighting. And last but not least Jasmine as u saw her with Archie she likes to go straight in and ask people what show they like to watch, what color they like, what kind of food they like to eat and so on and so fourth. She likes to know all sorts of things abt new people and she also likes to party with new friends but like inner circle she's not one of those ppl that invite the whole school. And she doesn't drink she's more into karaoke, just dance, Twister, Wii, and Monopoly kind of party's.

Wow that's a lot of information and also the red head girls name is Cheryl my cousin but anyways that helps alot so I know alot abt them" Betty said "Oh really? Cool, that redhead boy that called her 'cherry' is that her brother or her twin the fight awfully like siblings 😂" Fen said "Yes it is It may seem like they fight a lot and they probably do but trust me they get along most times" Betty said "Yeah most siblings are like that lmao" Fen said "Well since you told me some stuff about ur sibling and cousins why don't you tell me about yourself" Betty said "Ok well Im Fangs Topaz but my real name is Fennec, Fen for short or Fangs. I got fangs from my childhood bc I was at the dentist and the dentist said I have fang like teeth so my dad came up with the nickname Fangs and i've been called that ever since, and im kind of like Damar i'll call my close friend names,my cousins and sisters I'm also bisexual but act gay most of the time. And at my old school I was a very good wrestler as im told. I'm 16 and im normally a funny chill and laid back person...so im told." "Fangs..or should I say Fen?"
"Idc whatever suits u" Fen said "ok Fen" Betty said fen laughed "What?" "Nothing it's just Fen sounds like Fan but in a different language" Fen said with a small chuckle "  "Omg ur so dumb" Betty said "Bitch I know" Fen said "Let's be dumb together " Betty said "I'm flattered lets be best friends" Fen said "YESSS THATS WHAT I WAS ABOUT TO SAYYY" betty said. So everyone continued talking to their new best friends and new friends until Lunch was over and they had to go their separate ways but some of them were in the same class and some of them weren't. Then they both parted ways to their beloved homes.

Hey guys this chapter took a bit longer then normally bc i was at my cousins house and i was changing the cover, changing the book just a whole lot of stuff but i got it done. And i think my favorite bsf duo may be Jason and Toni, Archie and Jasmine, Cheryl and Damian, and Betty and Fen technically all of them 😂😁 - Livy <3

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