[Chapter Eight]: Bored In Class 🥱

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Toni's POV

Goooood morning, I just woke up at 6 and I have to be at school by 8 but ANYWAYSSS today I'm planning on seeing Fangs and I's mom and dad today. Your probably wondering why me and fangs don't live with them so i'll tell u, By the time me and fangs turned 16 he and I wanted to experience living by our selves so that's when Jughead and his dad helped us get a trailer for ourselves. But our parents still help us with the rent and some bills so like they're there but not really there anyways I just finished brushing my teeth and taking a shower so now I'm putting on a black croptop, a grey and black flannel over it, khaki pants with a black belt, a black gem necklace, my converse and my serpent jacket even tho its gonna be hot as hell today and even if I get hot easily but whatever I put on deodorant and my favorite cinnamon vanilla spray. i have everything Vanilla and Cinnamon, some vanilla spray and soap. Some cinnamon candles, spray AND hand soap. i'm obsessed ik no need to think it or say it out loud 🙄.

 i'm obsessed ik no need to think it or say it out loud 🙄

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Toni's outfit^^^

I also put my hair up in a messy bun with some strands in the front of my face bc like I said it's gonna be hot as balls today and I DO NOT need my hair down my back. But lets go find something to eat or possibly make breakfast for Fen and I today shall we?. I walk out my room and see fen making Eggs, bacon and Toast. "Oooo I love me some Eggs, bacon and Toast" I say rubbing my hands together. "U love everything 😂" "No I don't there are some food i don't like ya know"  "true but still, anyways here u go" Fen says giving me my plate. "Thank you. So I was thinking abt going to go see mom and dad today"  "Really?" Fen asked "Yeah why do u sound surprised? "No reason, It's just we've been in here for a few months after we had our 16 birthday so I think ur right it's abt time we go see our parents" "great wanna go after school? "Sure speaking of school we gotta go pick up Jasmine and Damian" "Oh shit ur right brb" I go upstairs and grab my keys, my phone and my backpack and go back downstairs to see Fen already waiting for me "Ready to go?" "Yeah lets go" I say putting my plate in the sink after grabbing my toast and some bacon from my plate I didn't get to eat yet.

Ur probably wonder why I don't have my own car or u weren't wondering whatever i'm just gonna tell u why. My mom and dad got Fen a car for his birthday and they got me a motorcycle for mine, I didn't get a car bc I didn't want one and Fen didn't get a motorcycle bc he didn't want one, but me and Fen made a schedule for both our vehicles. Fen and I use his car to drive to school and we use my motorcycle for when we don't feel like going in a car or just to go other places faster but cautiously because we're not tryna get killed.

Fen and I were on our way to Jasmine and Damar's house. As I'm sitting in the passenger's seat i'm just thinking about life and what we're gonna have for lunch today bc yesterday we had mozzarella sticks which were mid and did not fill me up, but I wondering if we're gonna have popcorn chicken today bc i'm always fucking that shit up no matter where it's from. OH AND ALSO THE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES THAT COME WITH IT OOOOO I LOVE THOSE I SWEARRR but back to the popcorn chicken anyways as I was saying If I like it i'm fucking it up, if I don't like it i'm not fucking it up. Plus I'm the type of friend that if u can't finish ur food i'll gladly finish it for u but if i'm full then i won't take ur food. (I'm Actually that friend 😂)

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