[Chapter Seven]: Movie night🍿🎥

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At the Topaz's trailer

"UGHHH IM SO BOREDDDD" Toni yelled as she plopped down on her bed, as she did that Fen knocked on her door. "Come in!" Toni yelled "Hey tiny u wanna watch a movie with me?" Fen asked "Sure can we invite Jas and Dame over" Toni asked. "Yeah ofc who else would we invite over? 😂" Fen said, Toni chuckled and texted Jasmine.

Text messages between Toni and Jasmine

Tones💜: Yo Jas do u and Damian wanna come over and watch a movie with Fangs and I?

Jas🤞🏾: Yeah sure Tones what are we gonna be watching?

Tones💜: Idk let me ask Fangs

Jas🤞🏾: Alr

"Hey Fangs what movie are we watching" Toni asked after coming out her room "Ratatouille" he said with a smirk "OOOO YESSSS U KNOW THAT'S MY FAVORITE MOVIE TOO" "Yes ofc I do why do u think i put it on? And plus i really like that movie" Fangs said "I mean yeahhhh who wouldn't? Whoever doesn't like that movie is a bum and is missing out" Toni said "but lemme go text Jas back" "Alr" fangs said

Text messages with Toni and Jasmine again

Tones💜: Hey Jas we're gonna be watching Ratatouille

Jas🤞🏾: Oooo yes! I love that movie ok me and Damian are coming I will already told him we're coming over to watch a movie so now i just have to tell him which movie we're watching. See u guys in a few

Tones💜: Ok see ya guys later love u

Jas🤞🏾: See ya later Tones love u too

"Ok they're coming in a few" Toni said to fangs on the couch in the living room that's connected to the kitchen.
"Ok i'm making popcorn and ur lucky i went grocery shopping the other day or we wouldn't have  popcorn or other snacks rn" "Oooo Popcorn thanks fangs ik I should probably help out more so i'll try and do that" "Thanks T I mean the least u can do is do the dishes more often or help with the laundry since mom and dad do the bills and help us with the rent" "I'll try to do both from time to time" "Thanks sis" "Np bro" Toni said and ruffled her brothers hair by getting on her tippy toes

(They live alone but they still have their parents who help them with the rent and look out for them still)

We Bite Bitches😍

Cher💞:This Gc is dead.

V💥: I mean we did just come home from school but might as well get people online so... YO BITCHES WAKE TF UP ITS LITERALLY ONLY 4 O CLOCK.

Betts😽: Bitch stop with yo type yells and also Kevin literally made this Gc yesterday why is it so dead. @Kevin🏳️‍🌈


Juggs🫵🏻: Hey guys

Arch👻: Ellooooo

Rugs💩: did u just try to type British?

Arch👻: I didn't try...I DID

Rugs💩: i- ok then.

Betts😽: Kevin

Kevin🏳️‍🌈: Yes girlie?

Betts😽: This Gc is dead either we should talk more in it or add more people

Juggs🫵🏻: I can add Toni, Fangs, Jasmine, and Damian If that would help.

Betts😽: Kev are u ok with that?

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