Chapter 3

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It's only just a crush, it'll go away

It's just like all the others it'll go away

Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know

You pray it all away but it continues to grow

-Tear You Apart, She Wants Revenge


It was in the middle of the night when I woke up. After about 15 minutes of trying to fall asleep again, I got up a went wandering around to find myself a glass of water.

I heard a deep laugh coming from the boys' room and that's when I had become curious. What were they doing in there? I quietly opened to door to see a dark shadowy figure in the shape of Mike. But it wasn't Mike. His hair looked less spiked and more brushed down. low-key he was kinda hot.

Anyways he slowly walked over to a duffel bag and opened it, only to pull out Sam's game dude-thing device.

More laughing. Does he really care about waking up the rest of the team?

"Perfect," He said in a dark tone, which made the word seem to roll perfectly off his tongue. He raised the game device about his head, only to break it with a snap. Then I did the stupidest thing ever.

I gasped. The figure looked at the door, still holding the game. I could see his one eye that was uncovered by his hair. I swiftly shut the door, praying to God he wouldn't open it. Slowly, I walked back to my room. No need for water anymore.

It was much more difficult to fall asleep now... part of me was intimidated, the other half was a bit horny. To be fair, it was a little hot. Unfortunately, I was sharing a room with other women for the next few weeks...


"I've never seen eggs so perfectly boiled!" Cameron said, admiring an egg.

"This is the life!" I leaned back in my chair. 

Courtney had challenged the butler to get her a 5% less pulpy glass of orange juice. Which of course, The Butler succeeded.

I now declared last night was just a weird dream. Mike would never do something like that. Before we got to do anything else after breakfast a challenge had to happen. Yay.

When we had gotten to the starting location Sam had shown up looking horrible. Dang.

"Don't worry buddy! We smuggled you breakfast!" Mike said as we all pulled something out for him.

"Courtney, What did you bring Sam?" Sierra asked.

No reply.

"Welcome to today's challenge when we challenge your pain thresholds," Chris said.

Today's challenge is about killing the other team with leeches basically. Dang.

"Noting; My Niece over here needs protection for herself, so either way. She'll be getting a gun when her team reaches one of the boxes. Doesn't matter if it's the slingshots or the guns. She's getting one. Warning: She has amazing aim so watch out for her, biggest threat people, biggest threat." Chris explained. What? When was this decision made?

"That's not fair! She-" 

"She actually has a contract that I accidentally signed so if she gets injured a bit too much, I go to jail and there will never ever be another season of Total Drama. So this season we have precious cargo," Chris said, cutting off Joe.

Apparently, we had a one-minute head start for winning the last challenge, which that one minute, we totally took advantage of.

"Move it, hurry up, Get moving!"Courtney said, harassing Mike, Sierra, and Sam.

"Excuse me, Courtney?! But are you the person helping Sam? NO! Are you the person who's been helpful to this team?! NO! SO you should probably, oh I don't know, SHUT UP!" I finally snapped. I could never stand Courtney and her bitchiness, one of the reasons I hooked up with Duncan in-between island and action. They were such an on and off again couple. 

"What?" Courtney gasped as though she had been slapped in the face.

"Oh don't understand me? tais-toi!" I said. (Translated: French)


Mike: "y/n can be such a badass at times. While Courtney...she's a little bit scary."


U/p: "And I love it when things get scary. This Y/n girl is interesting... I need to keep an eye on her."

U/p: unknown personality*

End Confessional-

"Does anyone know where the heart of the forest is exactly?" Sierra asked.

"I'll go get a better look!" Zoey spoke before jumping on multiple trees to go up.

After she was finished, she pointed somewhere. "Over there!" Zoey yelled. When we had reached the boxes, the vultures cut us off from the big one, which meant we got the small one. Either way, I was handed a huge gun filled with leeches.

I aimed my gun at the vultures. "Better start grabbing your guns idiots," I said. They immediately scrambled and pulled out their stuff.


We were walking through the forest with Courtney's average complaining going on. We had left Sam in a cave with Courtney as his protection in case the Vultures tried to ambush him.

"Stealthy forest maneuvers? This sounds like a job for Svetlana!" Mike said. He closed his eyes and took a breath in.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"Oh, You didn't know Mike has-"

"It's still me," Mike said, cutting off Zoey. Honestly, I was completely lost with what was happening but now was the best time to question it. I'd have to ask questions with Mike later that night. 


We were silently walking when we heard a big commotion going on. We had come close to find the vultures.

"Who's first?" Mike asked.

"Definitely Zoey," I answered pointing to her.

Zoey aimed, and she had hit. Alejandro in the butt. We then ran, trying to avoid the leeches being shot at us. 

Mike shot next. He had hit Heather in the head. We had scrammed away now for sure because of Gwen and Duncan chasing after us.

When the coast was clear I took a wild shot. Only to hit Gwen in the head.


I was about to shoot Duncan when my Uncle came on to the speaker."This just in: The heroic hamsters win 6 to 3!"


We were all sitting there, waiting to see who was going to be eliminated.

"Someone trashed Sam's game guy!" Cameron explained. So it wasn't a dream. Is Mike actually that bad of a person? What did I even witness?

For our hamster to go to Boney Island, Cameron volunteered. Wow, the kid's got guts.

Apparently, Duncan's a hero now. While Courtney...I think it's better for everyone if she's on the villain's side.


WC: 1k+

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