Chapter 11

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Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She's in love with the world
But sometimes these feelings can be so misleading

-Fell In Love With A Girl, The White Stripes


Y/n's pov:

Last night was... Magical? No. Amazing? No. My first-time? Yes, but not the right words. Breathtaking? Yes.

Since I had won the challenge, I had chosen Mal as the person to join me for a night in the spa. Let's say, last night we were more than "just friends." Otherwise, I wouldn't have woken up to Mal's arm draped around my waist while we were sleeping in the same bed. Yes, last night was the most fun I've had on this stupid island.

I pushed away from Mal, interrupting a makeout session in the hot tub.

"Mal, are we actually going through all this?" I asked him, putting my hands on his chest. I sat in his lap, facing him.

"As long as you want to, Y/n," He replied, placing his hands on my waist. I kissed him again, it was rough but soon turned into a much more passionate kiss.

Somehow we moved from the hot tub to the bedroom. I still could remember his hands, how they traced softly on my stomach, slowly reaching their way down below. I remember how he whispered soft, kind words into my ear to make me feel secure.

I allowed Mal to continue sleeping, meanwhile, I had gotten out of bed and got dressed for the day. I looked at myself in the mirror, my neck was covered in hickeys from last night, it was obvious something happened. I quickly ushered into the bathroom, collecting concealer to help hide them away.

Eventually, I went downstairs, sitting at the breakfast table. As I spent time alone, I thought about everything that had taken place this season. How I had fallen for Mike, discovering who Mal was, growing feelings for him while losing my feelings for Mike (Or at least I believed I was losing feelings for Mike). Now here we were near the end of the season, only a few constants remaining.

What had happened to Mike? Was he gone forever? Was Mike real at all, or was that just some faux name Mal created for himself while he was on this show? I may need to bring up Mike to Mal eventually, I just need questions answered.



Mal: "I know Alejandro hid incriminating footage of me in a painting at the spa, but it's so hard to tell which one's been tampered with when they're are horribly disgusting. Also, I know Y/n's been getting curious about Mike, If I told her the truth, she'd think I'm a monster, so I'll have to make a story up for her. Also with Mike running around my head, it won't be any easier with these challenges. His head, My head, Our head, whatever...He won't be able to hide from me much longer."


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