Chapter 4

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Only fools fall for you, only fools

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall

-FOOLS, Troye Sivan


For some reason, the Hamsters had decided it would be a great idea to throw a party for Duncan, a surprise party. It was their way of making him feel welcomed to the team, honestly it wasn't a terrible idea but still, I wasn't too happy about waking up so early. There was also going to be that tension between me and Duncan, we were able to avoid one another long enough considering we were both on separate teams... but it'd be awkward considering our brief off-screen romance that had happened in-between seasons.

"Surprise! Welcome to the hero team, Duncan!" The team cheered as Duncan walked into the room. The lights flicked on as confetti fell to the floor, he looked tired. Zoey approached him, sliding a party hat on his head, it flattened his mohawk.

"Duncan; On team hero. The fans will lose it!" Sierra spoke to herself, imagining the title of the next post on her blog. "I have to get a photo for my blog!"

As Sierra ran off to find her phone, Sam pipped up. "Let's sing the welcome song!"

"How about, let's not do that," Duncan was quick to snap at his new teammate, he did hate singing after all. A feminine scream stopped everyone in their tracks, the room fell silent.
The purple-haired teen ran back into the room, holding a small, broken item in her hand. "My social media machine!" Sierra cried, shoving a broken cell phone into Duncan's face. "It's in bits and pieces. Hello? Hello? Hello?" She began to speak to it, fidgeting with the broken buttons. 


y/n: "Ok, It's true. I saw that figure again. This time it snuck into the girl's room. And...broke Sierra's phone...I'm starting to feel kinda guilty over not telling anyone about this."

End Confessional-


Mike: "Did I break her phone?"

End Confessional-

"It's ok, Sierra," Mike approached her, trying to comfort her pain. 

"IT'S NOT OK!" She snapped back, raising her voice to a growl. "IT'S NO-K! It had my top 500 Cody pics on it."

"Just picture him in your mind," Sam suggested. Sierra looked at us, her tears immediately disappeared while a smile did appear instead.

"Ok, Codies..." She said happily. What a weirdo.-----When the rain had cleared up we had headed down to the beach for another Challenge. Yay.

"Welcome contestants," Chris said like he usually did. "Before we get started, let's bring back last night's exile, Cameron." Up above us, a helicopter flew down, carrying Cameron by a hook, Only to drop him to the ground. "Ok, A. How are you still alive? B. Why do you stink so badly?" Chris said, pinching his nose.

"Simple, Between seasons I read up on wilderness survival tips," Cameron said, still sitting on the floor. "If you dose yourself with the-um... the scent of the most vicious animal in the woods, then all the creatures will give you the utmost respect."

"Not all creatures," Duncan commented.

Basically, the point of today's challenge was to eat as many pancakes as you could then go on a bunch of rides that spin you around.

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