Chapter 14

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She might want a kiss
Before the end of this song
Because love can burn like a cigarette

And leave you alone with nothing

-Lover's Rock, TV Girl


Finally, it was the last challenge of the season. Somehow, this season had passed by quickly but was also a massive pain in the ass.

 "What a relief," Mal sighed. "Pretending to be that boring was really getting to me!"  We were on a walk towards the last challenge, there was no tension between us for some odd reason. Maybe it was because he'd still be there for me after this was all over... or maybe that was what I was hoping for... 

 "Whatever happened to Mike?" I asked the question casually, trying to keep the conversation somewhat light. 

 "He's gone."

"Like, dead?"

"Hopefully," A small smile crept up on Mal's lips as he spoke. It was a bit attractive. "What did you even see in him in the first place?"

"I'm not sure," I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm happier with you though. You bring a lot more happiness to my life." It was true, I had felt so much more joy being around Mal rather than Mike. He brought excitement to my life, it felt good to talk to him, be around him... Mal made me feel good, he made me feel whole. 

 We eventually approached Chris and Chef, waiting for us at the final challenge of All-Stars. "Congratulations on making it to the finale. It's something you'll regret for the rest of your lives, which will likely be rather short since this final challenge is so vicious, so brutal, so savage... that our lawyers said we had to change it."

"So is it less dangerous?" I asked a stupid question. But knowing my uncle, he always had something up his sleeve. 

 "No, but we told them we did," Chris grinned in response. "Combatants, choose your weapons." A curtain was pulled back to reveal a wall stocked with different weapons used over the years of Total Drama. "So, what'll it be? Meatball bazooka? Blow and Blunt-tipped arrows? A leech gun? A slingshot?"

 Mal had chosen the meatball bazooka. It didn't seem like the handiest weapon... sure, it could take competitors out, but it'd be a struggle to work with if we had a stealthier challenge at hand.

 I had ended up picking out the bow and arrows. They seemed like the most useful items stocked up on that wall. Would we be hunting one another? Hadn't Chris already done this idea before? It felt played out a little bit. 

 "Now that you've got your weapons, you'll need them to pop these balloons. Each one contains a previously flushed All-Star!" Chris continued on with the instructions of this challenge once Mal and I were prepared to compete. 

 "I... are you sure they can breathe in there?" I gave my uncle a look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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