Chapter 10

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But love, love will tear us apart again

-Love Will Tear Us Apart, Joy Division


y/n's pov:

Once again, Courtney was ranting (more like yelling) in the cabin. Meanwhile, Zoey focused on trying to calm her teammate down. I was busy observing the scene while laying on my bunk, doodling away in my journal.

"Time out!" Zoey yelled, causing Courtney to finally shut up. I glanced up at them. "Sorry, just maybe you guys need to talk. But hey, on the bright side, kissed by two guys in one day? You're on fire!" How motivating.


Courtney: "She's right, yay me!"


"Hey, can you not mention this to Gwen? I haven't exactly been easy on her about the whole kissing thing," Courtney replied to the redhead in front of her.

"Your secret is safe with me," Zoey replied with a smile. Had they not noticed I was in the room? Perfect, now I have the chance to blackmail Courtney, only if I need to though. I quickly made my exit out of the cabin, doing my best to leave unnoticed. I headed into the forest, needing some time alone.

"Hey, Y/n." I jumped at the sound of someone behind me. I thought I was alone, guess not... "Hey, hey hey... Calm down, it's only me." This voice was familiar, I turned to make eye contact with someone. I remembered him, he was the imposter from a few nights ago. He looked exactly like Mike, was this one of his alters? His hair was slicked down, he radiates menacing energy. He moved towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders, I flinched at his touch.

"I remember you..." I mumbled, trying my best not to stutter. "We... kissed."

"Multiple times, yes."

"But, I kissed back... after knowing-" I was cut off.

He chuckled, "Well, you aren't something I've seen before, huh? You're something new, you're refreshing. You aren't like the others, I can tell." As he spoke, he maintained eye contact with me, something felt so off about him, but at the same time, I didn't want to be any further from him.

"That's kind and all... but I'm not even sure who you are. I can't call you Mike, because I know you're not Mike. I-"

"It's Mal."

"Mal... I like that," I smiled up at him. There were so many things I wanted to say to him but I didn't even know where to begin. "I like you, Mal."

"I like you too, Y/n."


"Attention Campers! Last one to the beach drops and gives me 50!"

One Way Or Another-Total Drama Mal x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now