Chapter 1

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Every day is the same. No one understands my pain. How much can one person go through before falling apart? They all think I'm fine because I act like I am, when really I'm crying inside. The yelling, the complaining, the bitchiness. It's getting too much. I feel like a prize to be won! Is that what I am, a prize? No one cares about what I want but only want what they want. It never changes. I can make decisions for myself, I don't need others making them for me. The whole point of me moving in with Damon and Stefan was for protection and to keep Jeremy safe. The Mikaelson's may be a bit selfish and heartless but at this present moment I would rather be at their mansion than in the boarding house. Living in fear and being fought over isn't what I wanted. What's so fascinating about Elena Gilbert? Is it because I'm a doppelganger, or because Damon and Stefan were both with Katherine? I'm not Katherine so why then I must be fought over like she was with the Salvatore's. I hate Katherine but she didn't deserve to be hunted by Klaus and Elijah. Katherine could've stayed that sweet human girl but that life was forced to be taken from her. I don't want to go down that road but this fighting is doing my head in. I was never much of a drinker and now I sit here in my room with a glass of bourbon. Stefan and Damon downstairs yelling and arguing. Typical. I get off from the bed and walk downstairs and straight past the room they're in and slam the door behind me as I leave the house.

I take a seat at the bar at the Mystic Grill. At least there is no yelling here. "Vodka spirit" I order knowing it will help the frustration. "Oh Elena I'm so glad I caught you here" ugh not now Caroline. I love Caroline. She is my best friend but I am in no mood to talk right now. Just drowning my anger with booze. Caroline sits herself next to me not even asking if she could sit. "I swear all guys care about is revenge, like seriously hello aren't their girlfriends much more important" Great so another Tyler ramble. Tyler can be a jackass but we've always been friends. Tyler is so caught up in revenge and Caroline is being a control freak. Caroline keeps on rambling and I keep taking a sip of my drink each time I feel that I'm going to explode. "Caroline I love you, I do, but this Tyler stuff has to stop. I'm not in the best mood to listen to any of this" I try to speak politely but it comes out the exact opposite. "Jeez Elena, I'm always here for you when you need to rant about being a damsel in distress with Stefan and Damon" Caroline is biting back but what she said only made the frustration grow more. "Caroline love, I think it would be best if you leave," the British accent sends goosebumps all over making me shiver. Caroline gives Klaus a disgusted look and walks off in a huff. Klaus is the one person I fear but at the same time feel sorry for. I watch as Klaus takes a seat where Caroline was and orders a drink. "There is frustration in your eye, let me guess the Salvatore's are fighting over you" I don't want to give Klaus the satisfaction of what's going so I'll sit here and drink. "Very well then" Klaus starts to walk away but part of me wants him to say. "Klaus" I find myself saying out loud.

"Want my company after all?" No I don't. Ugh my mind is so fucked up. "No, I didn't mean to call your name" I truthfully answered and watched him walk away. Tonight couldn't get any worse. I finished my drink and left the Grill to go back to the boarding house. 

*At the boarding house*

"Elena you need to tell me when you're leaving" No I don't Stefan!

"From what I took notice of is that you and Damon were more worried about your argument to stop me" "I'm going to bed" I stand my ground not wanting to show my emotions and walk up to my room.

The hot shower runs down on my body causing the fresh scars to sting.

The only relief.

I turn off the shower once the stinging dulls and change into a long sleeve matching pants set and climb into bed. I won't let them find out, I won't let them bring me down. Except that's what they're doing. I close my eyes wishing that I won't wake up but knowing I have to.

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