chapter 16

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Elena pov

I feel fresher after a shower and my mood is better. Maybe it's just the mating bond adjusting. I can smell Italian food coming from the kitchen but I wonder who is cooking. I venture my way towards the kitchen to see Kol cooking. I'll leave him to cook so I can talk to Klaus. I knock on the hybrid door and wait for an answer. I open his door to see Klaus painting. "Sorry to interrupt you but I was actually wondering if you could teach me how to paint" I mumble but clearly. "Grab a paintbrush and an easl then place it on that stand" Klaus Instructs. I follow his directions and wait for him to tell me what to do. "Don't just stand there love, use whatever you wish" he allows. I pick up a puffy paint brush and different shades of blue paint. I started to paint a seascape thinking of the beach today. "Tell me Elena, what made you want to paint with me?" Klaus intrigues. "I have always loved paintings and I tried to paint in high school but I want to feel that I belong here" I truthfully answered. Klaus gives me a clear smile and continues to work at his easel.

Painting with Klaus was relaxing and quite fun. Who knew Klaus Mikealson had a soft spot for nature and the outdoors of life. We spoke about history and cousines. I enjoyed my time with Klaus. Elijah went out of town for two days for 'business' . I know not to ask questions when it comes to the Mikaelson's and their business work. I felt bad for spending most of my time with Klaus in the evenings by panting and having girls nights with Rebekah. I have kinda left Kol on the end of the rope. Tomorrow I turn 18. Elijah is soon to return later tonight and Rebekah has made Klaus take her out for the day giving me time with Kol. Except Kol isn't in the home right now. I have a huge manor to myself. Why is everyone so busy all of a sudden? Am I the only one in this city with nothing to do? I hate when Kol is not around. I miss his touch, his lips on mine. I want him so bad. I switch on a large black music speaker and turn it up full volume. I take the liberty of getting myself a bottle of expensive wine and decide to dance around in a huge house all by myself.

I danced through every room I could manage to dance in but my feet gave up on me halfway. I cooked but only to burn the first batch of biscuits. I fell asleep, painted and spent hours by myself. None of them even came home for a split second. The worst part about staying in the place was that Klaus ordered me to stay put in the manor. I listened of course but I am now becoming bored. "Elena darling I come bearing gifts" the sound of my mates voice travels through the house. Faster than my feet can take, I race from my room downstairs to Kol. Kol hands me a blue bag which I immediately open. A new flat iron as my latest one blew up, and a travel diary. "I love them, thank you" I say while throwing my arms around Kol to kiss him. "Someone is needy today" Kol teases while dropping everything in his hands and picks me up. "I've missed you" I complain as he brings me to my bedroom. I close my door behind me before he lays me on my bed. "I've missed you too but how bad have you missed me" with that being said I hungrily take off my clothes as well as his. I don't ever want him to let me go. "Please" I begged him to find his mouth again.

By the time Kol and I were done having our fun Klaus and Rebekah had returned home except it was late at night and I was fast asleep. I fell asleep feeling like I belonged for the first time in a while.

Kol pov

While Elena is sound asleep I changed her into some suitable clothes for our first destination and packed a large suitcase for her. Klaus wants Elena to wake up while we're on the plane or in another country. I carefully pick Elena up in my arms. Her head nestles into me as I carry her into the car. Everything is ready to go, we won't be back in New Orleans at least for a few months. "Is she still asleep?" Elijah softly asks me. "Yeah she should be out for hours still" I say, helping my brother load the car. Once everything is packed I get into the back seat with Elena and Rebekah. Elena lays her weight on me as we drive towards our private plane. 

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