chapter 7

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Kol pov

How long does it take to straighten your hair? Girls these days care too much about appearances. Jeremy had just called me to do medication for Elena that I knew nothing about. "Kol do you smell that?" Elijah senses something and I pay more attention to my senses.


Elena has been up in her room longer than I thought she would be and the blood is strong and coming from her room. With every bit of speed I raced upt to Elena's room and opened her door to smell the blood becoming stronger. I twist the door knob on her bathroom door but it's locked. The blood smell is even stronger now. Fuck it. I kick down the door to see Elena out cold on the floor surrounded by blood. I get on my hands and knees to see how the blood is formed to see the many scars on Elena's body. I check her pulse to see it going weak. She's going to die if I don't do something. I bite into my wrists and place it in her mouth. "BROTHER" I scream on the top of my lungs while I'm waiting for Elena to get the blood from my wrists. She's lost so much blood. Elijah and Klaus stop dead at the door speechless. "Come on darling, drink," tears are pouring out of my eyes. I can't lose her! I feel the tug on my wrist form and watch as Elena unconsciously sucks in the blood. She pushes my wrist away but I place it back to her mouth. I need her to heal, I need her to live! "Oh my god, shit" the sound of my sister's voice and look on her face is worrying. I keep trying to get Elena to take my blood to heal her wounds. She gives up on fighting back and drinks the blood from my wrist. Her pulse is steady once again but her body is weak. The wounds on her body have faded except a few. I lift her off the ground away from the blood and bring her into my bathroom. "Rebekah please I need your help" I yell out to my sister hoping my brothers can clean up Elena's bathroom. Rebekah closes the door behind her and helps me with Elena. "Elijah and Kol are cleaning up her room, you start to run her a shower and I'll handle it from here. You can trust me Kol" Rebekah makes clear. Something has changed within Rebekah. I turn my back so Rebekah can undress Elena while I do the shower. "Kol you should leave now" her voice is a carrying matter as she orders me. I do as my sister says and leave the room not looking over to Elena.

Before I close the door I hear Rebekah whisper "I'm so sorry Elena for what I've done". That's how I know my sister is going to change.

I couldn't stop pasing. Elena's room is all cleaned but yet I can't understand what made her try to take her own life. I dialed two numbers; one too Jeremy telling him what just had happened and that he thinks it has something to do with Damon. Second call was to Camille. Cami is a professional; she may be able to get through to Elena unlike I can.

Rebekah pov

I had washed off the blood on her skin and wrapped her in a bathrobe. Elena sits in her room while I gather her some clothes silently. She looks scared and there is guilt washing over her face. I had been so mean and a pure bitch to her and yet I only added to her pain she was obviously going through. I hand Elena a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I turned around so she could get dressed. "Elena, can I turn back around?" I softly ask. She only answers with a soft mutter of a yes. I sat beside her and let out a breath. "Elena honey, I'm sorry for the way I have treated you since you entered the doors of this family. I was jealous of the way my brothers were treating you and I took it all out on you. I'm not mad at you for what you did, no one should be mad at you for it, I want to make up and I hope you can forgive me. Even be sisters?" I apologize. I know the things I have said to her may cause her not to forgive me. "I forgive you" three words is all she says and goes quiet. "I probably have some explaining to do" she saddens in each word she talks. "You don't have to straight away, I'm going to get some ice cream and movies and we're having a girls night" I declare. I hope I can try and get her to smile. I leave her room and go down to see my brothers.

I get bombarded by a million questions and ignore all of them. "HOW DO YOU THINK SHE IS, ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! I'M GOING TO HAVE A GIRLS NIGHT WITH HER" I scream. I got two gallons of ice cream and a bundle of movies. "NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME I WILL BE WITH ELENA" I scream once more and go back up to Elena.

I find her tucked into her bed while I put on the first movie. A movie that always makes me feel good when I feel like shit. I get into the bed and hand her a tub of chocolate ice cream. "Beauty and the Beast" she exclaims. There on her face is a smile. "I have plenty more Disney movies for us to watch" I giggle hoping that this night helps her.

"I would be honoured to call you my sister" she abruptly says in the third movie we're in. "As would I" I truthfully answered. I've never had a sister. Now I do.

We watched movies in silence until Elena fell asleep. This girl is so frightened but what I don't understand is why she would want to take her own life. I was jealous of Elena. She had guys falling to their knees, she is the bloody doppelganger of Katerina Petrova! Except I can't but feel that I had a part to play in Elena's disturbance. I envy her beauty and will to fight. I may be an Original and a Mikaelson but yet I am cursed. Elena feels cursed by death but really she's just had a troubled life. Why did I have to be such a bitch to her!? Kol is moping around in guilt while Elijah and Klaus are still in shock. "Sister can I come in?" Kol and I are close with each other and his hurting saddens me. Kol sits beside me looking like he's seen a ghost. "I thought bringing her here would help her, I failed sister" he weeps. "You have not failed Kol. What happened isn't your fault nor Elena's, it's those Salvatore's and myself to blame" to admit to being wrong takes a lot of courage but for those Salvatore brothers to push her this far is beyond just death. "They will pay" I sneer between my teeth. "Indeed they will" Kol and I look at one another with an evil grin. Slow and painfully they will meet their ends.

The next two days I brought Elena breakfast and ran her a bath. She still doesn't speak a word or even change her expression. Cami came past to see if she could help but as Cami spoke to Elena, Elena sat in silence. No words being spoken. It's like she is wasting away. I'm running out of options on ways to break through to her. I think the only one that can possibly break down her walls is Kol. Kol has been wanting to speak to her but afraid he will break her more. "Kol please brother" Klaus isn't a beggar but for him to be begging Kol to help Elena then he truly wants to help. 

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