{Chapter 9}

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As you ran back to Nezuko's box, you lightly scratched the door to show Nezuko's tiny hand. The box is in the shade so she won't get hurt. But it was still risky for her.

You gently bit and licked her tiny hand, like a puppy. Nezuko just kept trying to pet your head, but you just kept playfully biting and licking her hand.


You looked back at the crippled house.


You then looked back at Nezuko.


'I'm sorry Nezuko! I'm going to help Tanjiro and Zenitsu.' You held her hand to your forehead to show your sorry.

You ran inside the mansion and started looking in every nook and cranny of the place, just trying to find them.


'That's Zenitsu!'

Zooming towards the screams, you were able to get a small scop of the situation. Demon showed up, Zenitsu is panicking and screaming, and for some reason on the floor crying.

Quietly! You pulled out a talisman.

AND SLAPPED THAT THING onto the Demon's cheek, SO HARD YOUR HANDPRINT WAS LEFT! Sending him flying into the wall and he ended up biting his own tongue off!

"HAA! MIKO YOU'RE BACK!" The young boy that was with Zenitsu called out. You turn to him ready to help but paused at the site of Zenitsu... sleeping!?

You were very sure, that you had just pulled the same face Tanjiro had done, earlier that day.

'What's with him? AH! NEVERMIND!'

You hurried to help the boy and Zenitsu.

But a shiver ran down your spine at what you heard next.

"Wow! You go one real hard hit there Little Miko. You almost knocked my head off!" You turned to find the demon you just b#*ch slapped, back onto all fours!

Using your body as a shield; protecting the young boy from the Demon's regrown weaponized tongue. But...

The part of the tongue that was going to hit you WAS SLICED OFF! BY A SLEEPING ZENITSU! He when into a lunging stance.

"Ha!? What the!? What happened to him!?" The Demon said in complete shock.

'He movements are so smooth... if I saw him fight for the first time I met him, I would have thought he was a master... But I've heard of sleepwalking but never sleep fighting.'

Zenitsu mumbled something but you didn't catch it. But you did catch the fact that he was releasing sparks.

You simply blinked and he was behind a decapitated demon.

"Huh?" Zenitsu stood up straight and looked behind him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! IT'S DEAD!!" Zenitsu then looked up to you and the little boy. "Huh? Miko did you do that!?"


"I had no idea you were so powerful!! Thank you so much for protecting me!!" Zenitsu yelled as he clung to you like a leach. Causing you to tumble to the floor.

'Get off of me!'

He just stayed there.

'Now I understand why my Onii-San isn't fond of hugs...'

"Hey! We should try and find the others or away out." The young boy suggested.
You nodded at him and you started walking while Zenitsu's arms were wrapped around your waist as his body was dragged on the floor.


'Oh no,' you thought as the room around you started to change.


You grabbed the young boy and Zenitsu and held them tight!


You all suddenly fell through the floor as if falling from the top of a building.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH," was mostly heard from Zenitsu and the boy.
But when you thought you are about to crash into the floor, you end up being thrown right out the window!

'Oh dear...'
It felt like everything was going in slow motion. You were physically centimetres away from hitting the floor!


Zenitsu grabbed your waist, yanking you away from the ground, and use his body as a shield to protect you and the boy!


That sound made itself known as all of you made impact with the ground. Immediately! You got off the unconscious Zenitsu and tried to see what broke.

The poor boy next to you was trying not to cry as you lifted Zenitsu's head to find blood.

'Oh no! I need the stop the bleeding but I don't have any clothes with me! Wait... but I do have this... it'll have to do!'

You turn away from the young boy, so he couldn't see. You start and try to take off the fabric around your chest. It normally would be there to hide and keep your breasts in place, as all Kitsune can transform into beautiful women with unwantedly pronounced chests and hips by default. It was often very annoying.

Once you manage to take the fabric off you turned back to tend to Zenitsu's wound. "Where did you get that?" The boy asked. You had to just ignore his question for now.

You wrapped the thick fabric around Zenitsu's head like a bandage. When you were done, you got up and patted the boy on the head.

He took it as an instruction to take care of Zenitsu. He gave a firm nod at you before you ran back into the house to find Tanjiro.

'I just hope they're okay...'

As you ran you manage to pick up Tanjiro's voice. 'Found you!'

"It's alright now. We can get you guys out of here."

You ran towards his voice, hoping to catch up to him.

You slammed open a door to a room, and there was Tanjiro with the other 2 kids.

Tanjiro's POV:
"Y/n!" I called to (Y/n) with a smile. She ran towards me and gave me a bear hug. Almost squeezing me to death!
"Wow! Was I gone for that long?" She just looked at me, 'I can't tell what she's thinking with that mask.'

"(Y/n) can you help me carry them?" She nodded to my ask, and just scooped up the 2 children in her arms and started to guide us out of the house.

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