Saturday Night.

276 8 4

Sophie's P.O.V.

I walked out of the bar, into the fresh Los Angles air. It was spring, and summer was a-coming. Today was a sunny day.

It was the afternoon, nearing evening by the time I left the bar, and the sky was a little darker.

I walked across the road, towards the familiar driveway. I walked down the driveway and stairs, and walked back into the giant warehouse sized building, where all my friends stood worrying in despair.

I cleared my throat and smiled sheepishly.

All eyes landed on me.

"Jay!" Said Remma and Miah, as they rushed towards me, drowning me in hugs.

I hugged them back, and then looked straight in the eye of Lawrence.

I am not going to give up.

My eyes clearly said, and we had a war before he broke away in defeat.

"I'm sorry, everything just overwhelmed me," I said, not wanting to crush Eleven's heart and deciding to not explain why I ran off, and the conversation with Lawrence.

"It's okay. It was a bit of a shock to me to." Said Eleven, chuckling a bit and coming over to hug me.

"I can imagine," I said, chucking along with her. "So, who's doing my tattoo?" I said, sitting in one of the plush black leather dentist-chairs, smiling smugly with my left arm out where it can be tattooed on, resting my right hand on my stomach.


Heya, hiya, hi!

Sorry for the late update! Epic writers block + heaps and heaps of homework = no chap-time! Though, I gotta admit, I have been having Johnny Depp marathons, and Tim Burton marathons... ☺️😁🙌

Anyway! Dedication for the next chapter goes to whoever can guess Jay's new tattoo, or create what it's gonna look like! Comment!

Lel, 'till next chapter/ or the comments!

Ily <3

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