The Ye Old Idiot.

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Jay's P.O.V.

Everyone stared blankly at me, then at each other, then every tattoo artist lurched forward at me, trying to grab the tattoo gun to signal that they would be the one to tattoo my arm.

"Ah! Stop! We should let Jay decide!" Screamed Remma with the most rabid look on her face with a matching crazy grin.

Everyone stared anxiously at me.

"Um," I started, looking around at the crowd of tattoo artists but stopping at a single one. "Eleven, would you do the honours?"

She looked at me blankly for a moment, then smiled graciously at me, like I was her daughter crying after a boy, and I wanted her to comfort me.

"Sure. What do you want?" She asked as she sat in the chair beside me.

"A full sleeve of roses, thorns, birds, and music notes," I said and leant back, putting my left arm out for her to drawn on. I then closed my eyes as she rubbed down my arm with alcohol.

The pin hit my skin; I didn't feel a thing.



"There," said Eleven, wiping her brow. "All done."

I opened my eyes to reveal my whole left arm covered in white bandages and plastic.

"Now you know the rules: leave the bandages and plastic on for four weeks, coming in once a week to get the dressing re-done. It looks wonderful, I got to admit this is probably the best job I've ever done." She said, smiling at her work.

"Cool, thanks Eleven," I said, returning the smile. "What's the charge?" I asked.

"Free; on the house."

"No. I can't allow that! Remma, what would you honestly charge for a full sleeve?" I asked.

"U-hh.." She said, looking at Eleven then back to me. "About twelve hundred." She said.

"Okay, then I shall pay twelve hundred with tip," I said stubbornly, taking out my purse and walking over to the cash register. Nobody moved, so I walked around and payed with my card. "Thank you." I said smiling, pleased with my stubborness.

"You inherited your stubbornness from Mom." Commented Remma, shaking her head and holding her arms with her hip poked out, a single eyebrow raised.

"What can I say?" I reply, and say goodbye to everyone as we left to pick up my car.

The ten block journey wasn't so bad; barely anyone was around because they were all at home getting ready to hit the clubs tonight, and the sun was on the verge of setting so the sky was a nice pinky-yellow colour.

"Thanks again, Eleven." I said, giving her a warm hug, in which she returned along with a smile. For the first time in years, she was finally happy.

"It's no problem," She said, keeping that smile. "I'll see you soon so we can all plan the wedding."

I smiled at her and we said our goodbyes, and were three blocks away when Remma decided to stop off at a bar for a quick drink and to "say hey-loooooo to the hot guy!" that was sitting at the bar all alone, with a full shot of whiskey and an empty cider bottle beside him reading yesterday's newspaper.

Miah and I followed the dazzling Remma into the old English/British style bar, where she attempted to try and be 'smooth'.

Miah and I decided we wouldn't drink that much, and ordered a cider each.

Fifteen minutes into our visit to the bar (titled 'The Queen's Beauty'), I got a call from an unknown number. I excused myself from Miah and I's long conversation about her boyfriend's mother, and her new pair of high-heeled shoes, and walked into the carpet lined hallway just outside the toilets.

"Hello?" I said, answering the call. I would normally say "Hey dude" or "wassup" but this could be a record label, ready to hear a trial of my music. So I decided to be professional, giving the professional but fun look.

"Hey! Jay! It's me, Sonny." Said the voice on the other line, and then everything hit me. My mouth opened agape a bit, and my eyes stared blankly at the "STAFF ONLY" sign on the door opposite me.

"Oh fuck." Was the only words that could come out of my mouth when I was not intoxicated. "I mean, oh fuck, hey man! Dude! It's been ages! And oh my god I'm rambling and stuffing up, fuck." I covered, but not so well. I covered my forehead and eyes with my hand, banging it against the wall lightly.

Well, at least Skrillex was laughing.

What a great after-drunken night beginning?


Hey world! Sorry I haven't updated for like ages....I have had super-super mind-block and depression and shit...BUT EVERYTHING IS OKAY NOW BECAUSE SKRILL-BAE HAS RELEASED A NEW SONG CALLED "BURIAL" AND I AM LOVVINNNGGGGGGGGG ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!! Also I just got an iPhone 4 about three months ago, so I'll be able to update a bit more and stuff. I was going to update last weekend, but then the Wattpad app on my phone automatically updated, and I stayed at my aunts that weekend, and they have a hugeeeeee family of five kids, and lots and lots of technology, and the whole family updated to iOS you can imagine the internet was VERY VERY SLOW. SO SLOW I STARTED WATCHING Keeping Up With The Kardashians, I WAS THAT BORED. I COULDN'T EVEN READ OFF-LINE. :'(

Also, I'm attaching this song by Skrill-bae to the media box because it's a cool song and ily it and I was listening to it whilst writing half this chapter :)

K bai

~ z xx

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