An Amazing Aerial battle

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We soon met professor juniper dad, we helped him discover and explored the the hero's ruin. As like any exploration it was filled booby traps. But finally we made it to the item of the hero used to meet zekrom. But we had to run because a territorial Pokémon but soon discovered more hidden secrets. Then we had met the same Korkorok with sunglasses. It followed us everywhere. All to battle pikachu. But later they taught some kids an important lesson and Korkorok joined ash team. After that they had to cross bouffalant territory. Where they had to wear wigs. It was a funny time. after that grim had eelektross learn crush claw and zap cannon. But soon they were in Mistralton City. 

Grim: final we have our next gym battle

Ash: yeah 

But then we a noise and see a plane above. It was dancing in the sky. It was so good that we just had  follow it. And over the edge we see the city. When we get the gym, it was more of a cargo service. But it didn't stop them from going in. But then a kid calls to them.

Trainer: hey you, are you a challenger, if you are, wait there

He points to a long line.

Ash: you mean that line

Trainer: I'm afraid so, the morning group is filled so you looking at the  afternoon group.

The trainer runs into the line. Leaving us confused.

Grim: why would a gym have a afternoon line, much less a specific line.

Cilan: something's new on the gym menu

They then talk to people.  They wrote us in using our Pokédex. They gave us appointment cards. They were a little confused until a plane comes in. It opens up and someone comes out. 

Skyla: hi my name is Skyla and I'm the gym leader. But everybody calls me high flying girl. So should you. 

She then walks to the trainers in the line. She shows all three of he Pokémon, swoobat, unfezent a boy, and a swanna. Then they challenger did the same. 

Skyla: alright challengers, now we're ready for the air battle.

We were shocked by the air battle. But nothing happen as it was just in her head. She continues to do it as for every trainer. Not even having a battle. Giving badges to some and none. This is just anger Cilan, ash, and grim.

Grim: imagining battles in your head, is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

Cilan: stop this

Ash: I'm coming

They marched to Skyla. She tells she'll talk later saying she's busy. She hopes in her plane and flys off. Grim and ash groaned as they didn't want to battle like that. Then we met Skyla grandfather miles. He tells us the reason of the air battles. She was so good that trainers came from all over. Making it hard for her to fly her plane. It was a terrible excuse. Cilan was even more furious. The next day we confronted Skyla. Cilan makes his introduction. He ask to battle her. He shows her his Pokémon, as she did the same. Then she did the air battle and said she wins. Cilan then makes her battle the right way. They enter the gym as the real battle.

Sadly Cilan battle didnt change anything. But it didn't stop grim from challenging Skyla.

Skyla: alright then so me your Pokémon

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