The Master of llusion is Born

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On the Way to the next gym battle and grim and ash next badge. The heroes stop for a break. As Cilan cooks iris watched grim and ash train. Their Pokémon cheered as Darmanitan and pignite attacked.

Grim: now darmanitan use your new move, flare blitz

Darmanitan ignites into blue flames ad flys towards pignite.

Ash: counter with flames charge 

Pignite: pignite

Darmanitan: darmanitan 

Pignite flies at darmanitan. The tow collide creating a explosion. They jump back as darmanitan takes recoil damage.

Grim: thanks for helping us learn flare blitz ash, definitely pays off

Ash: no problem, the least I can do. Now pignite fire please

Pignite hits the ground and pillars head towards darmanitan. Darmanitan helps his ground as he was engulfed in flames. Out of the pillar Darmanitan was on his knees. 

Grim: come on Darmanitan you got this

The Pokémon cheered louder as so did zorua. Darmanitan gets up and pounds his chest, his flames burning brighter.

Grim: alright use flamethrower 

Ash: pignite use flamethrower too

The two Pokémon fire powerful flamethrowers. The attacks create a powerful explosion. Everyone shielded their eyes. And after the explosion and they look an saw darmanitan and pignite fainted.

Grim: looks like it's a draw

Ash: yeah, you did great pignite

Pignite: pignite

Grim: you were amazing darmanitan

Darmanitan: dar

Pikachu: pikachu 

Gligar: gligar

Cilan:  alright it's chow time.

Then on quest both ash and grims stomachs rumble, they look at each other and race to the food. With their Pokémon soon behind. As everyone was eating. Oshawatt decided to be greedy and steal some Pokémon food. He tried with haxorus, but he noticed and smash his tail, he slide back afraid. He tried with scrafty but before he could touch it, scrafty grabs his hand as he looks at him. He holds an apple and smashed it with his crest. Oshawatt shakes and walks back. He then sees zorua. He takes some food and zorua growls, he fired it a shadow ball at him. Sending him into some bushes 

Ash: Oshawatt

Grim: that could've happened much worse with haxorus or scrafty

Then Oshawatt charged out of the bushes angrily. He but heads with zoura.

Iris; hey cut it out you two

Grim: well you know there's only one way to solve this.

Ash; yep with a battle

Iris: what a kid move

The two Pokémon flare at each other stating they agreement.  Cilan refereed their battle.

Cilan: battle begin

Ash: Oshawatt use razor shell

Oshawatt charged at zorua. But he didn't move as he took the hit.

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