A Unova League Evoultion!

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The next round of the unova league continues. It was the top 8 and now we watch Ash vs. Cameron. His secret weapon was a hydriegon. This made things nervous as Grim and Bigirl watch.

It was but funny how Cameron thought he needed five Pokémon but it was a six in six. But I'm the end thanks to his riolu evolving into lucario he was able to win.  Now it was grim vs Virgil. As Grim walked to the field through the hall. He was met by ash and pikachu.

Ash: Grim, good luck in your match

Grim: thanks, I do my best

Pikachu: pikachu 

Gliscor: gliscor 

They all do a fist bump as they head off. They made it to the field as the crowd cheers.  Virgil and Grim faced each other across the field.

Referee: they battle will be six on six, both trainers can substitute Pokémon. The match ends when either side is unable to battle. Trainers ready.

Virgil: I'm ready

Grim: so am I.

Referee: very well. Battle begin.

Both trainers brought out there poke balls, and both threw them in unison.

Grim: Darmanitan get ready to rumble.

Virgil: Go Espeon 

Grim throws out darmanitan as Virgil brought out espeon. The screen showing the trainers and six Pokéball icons change. The top first grew big and orange and showed the two Pokémon.

Freddy: Freddy the scoop here and the match is underway. 

Ash: good luck grim 

Iris: go darmanitan 

Stephan: this will be a fierce battle

Bianca: yeah

Grim: darmanitan use hammer arm back to back

Darmanitan charges at espeon. He swings hammer arm at it.

Virgil: dodge them

Espeon dodged the hammer arms. But darmanitan sings his arm an hits espeon. Roll across the field an slid. 

Virgil: use psychic 

Espeon eyes glow and lift darmanitan into the air. He sends him into ground. Darmanitan gets up slowly.

Freddy: and a brutal psychic sends darmanitan back. 

Grim: use flamethrower 

Darmanitan fires it. Espeon uses psychic to sop it and redirect it. It heads to darmanitan. Darmanitan smiles and blocks the attack. He then absorbs the attack to his fire. Boating his strength.

Grim: great use flare blitz 

Darmanitan: darmanitan!

He ignites in blue flames and charges. The attack hits Epeon. Both took damage.

Virgil: espeon use psychic 

Grim: use psychic too

The Pokémon collide with their psychic moves together. Now in a struggle to launch the attacks.

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