Being with You

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CHAPTER 1      - Edited by tatergross



“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed in Los AngelesAirport. Thank you for flying with Malaysia Airline System and we hope you had a pleasant flight with us. We hope to see you again. Thank you”.

At last, after 14 hours on the flight I have arrived at LAX. The newly wed couple sitting beside me got up and said their goodbyes. They were coming here on their honeymoon. Wow. I could see the way they looked at each other. They’re really in love. Just the way my mom used to look at my dad. God I missed both of them. It has been 8 months since the accident that has left me an orphan. Now after settling all the unfinished business back home, I am on my way to stay with my Aunt Monica and her family. My parents had left me in her care in their will. She’s the only family I have left. She’s my mother’s younger sister, while my dad has no one else left.

Aunt Monica and Uncle Daniel (her husband) had wanted me to move in with them immediately after my parent’s death, but I managed to convince her to let me stay and complete my last semester in Malaysia so I could start the new semester in LA. I’ll be going to the same school my cousin Jenny goes to. Jenny is same age as me, both 17. She’s has long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She’s my best friend. I’m glad I’ll be going to the same school with her. At least I’ll have som­­eone to talk to in school. I just hope I can make new friends too. I’ve already started to miss all my friends back home and we have promised to keep in touch. I know living in LA won’t be the same as in Malaysia but Aunt Monica, Uncle Daniel, and Jenny has promised to be there for me all the time.

I started to look for them after collecting my luggage. Not long later I heard someone screaming my name, it was Jenny.

“Zara... over here...” she came running towards me.

“God, I missed you,” as we hugged each other. Aunt Monica and Uncle Daniel were standing by smiling at us.

“I missed you too” I said to her and then hugged both my Aunt and Uncle.

“How was your trip dear?” Uncle Daniel asked while taking the bags from me.

“Tiring,” I sighed but smiled, “And I can’t wait to reach home.”

“I know you are darling. Come on now, lets go,” called Aunt Monica while Jenny kept holding my hand grinning from ear to ear.

“I just can’t wait for you to get home so I can introduce you to my friends,” Jenny said excitedly.

 “There’s a party tonight at one of my friend’s house and I’m taking you there.” she smiled and whispered in my ear, “You’ll meet Brad there.” Brad is her boyfriend and she has been telling me about him almost everyday since she met him.

“I’m not sure whether I’ll be up to it. I’m feeling kind of tired right now,” I said trying to find an excuse not to go with her. “Parties definitely aren’t for me. I hate going to parties and I heard that parties in the USA, especially LA, are much crazier than the parties would I had attended while in Malaysia. Anyway, when I was in Malaysia the only parties I’d ever attended were birthday parties and my dad company’s parties.”

“Ah... don’t worry. Once you you’ve taken your nap, you’ll be fresh as ever. It will be great. I just want to introduce to some of my friends that will go to the same school with us. It’s my friend, Amy’s brother party. He’s a senior and most of his friends will be there including Brad.” She whispered Brad name again. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine and we can leave the party early if you want. No problem”.

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