Being with You - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


She turned around looking at me with wide eyes.

I smiled at her, “Hi,” I greeted.

“Hi,” she responded softly smiling nervously at me. Is she feeling nervous seeing me again? God, I felt the urged to pull her into my arms and kiss her breathlessly. Cool down Zack boy, I calmed myself down.

“So, how is Yale?” I asked walking around and sat on the sofa next to her.

She chuckled, “Yale was ok when I left them a few hours ago. How is Harvard?” she asked.

Looking directly into her eyes I told her, “Boring and lonely.”

She blushed and looked away. She said softly, “How can it be boring and lonely when you are surrounded by beautiful girls.”

I smirked, “How do you know that I’m surrounded by beautiful girls? Have you seen it somewhere?”

“No,” she shook her head, “It’s just a guess. I remember girls love to swamp around you,” she shrugged.

“Yeah, I remember too,” I chuckled rubbing my chin, “except for this one stubborn girl whom I have to use all my way to charm her.” I teased

“Yeah, right,” she blushed and raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears.

It was then I realised, indeed she's still wearing my bracelet,” I see that you still wear it,” I pointed out.

She looked at it and shrugged “Yeah, I’ve promise you I’ll wear it till I found someone else. Obviously I have not.” I feel like jumping from my seat and grabbed her in my arms. I felt like yelling and screaming out loudly telling the whole world how happy I felt.

But I decided to tease her instead, “It is hard to believe a beautiful girl like you have not found someone.”

“Well, I’m too busy with a lot of other stuff that I have no time to socialise.” she explained and looked at me intensely. “What about you? I’ve heard you’re going to propose to someone soon. Is it true?” she asked.

I nearly choked. Laughing I asked her, “Who told you that?”

“Jenny,” she simply said.  I don't remember telling Jenny that I'm proposing to Zara.

I chuckled, “Did she tell you who?”

“She said she doesn’t know. Is it someone we know?” she asked.

Hmm, Jenny must be trying to see whether her cousin still have feelings towards me, “Maybe,” I laughed. I might play along with Jenny's game.

“Did you come here with her?” she asked again and this time I could see there a slight disappointment in her face.

“No, I came with Brad,” I smiled. “I was hoping I’ll go back with her tonight.”

“Oh!” she said and started to look around, “Is she here?”

“Maybe,” I laughed.

“Maybe? You don’t know?” she said angrily but I'm still laughing. God, I love this girl and I'm confident now that she felt the same.

She gave me an annoying look, “And why are you laughing?”

I continued laughing and got up. “Come on, let’s dance” I said pulling her straight to the dance floor without giving her time to argue.

I didn't let hand go even while we’re dancing. We laughed enjoying ourselves. It's felt great again to be around the girl I love so much. I've missed her laughed, her giggled and sweet smile. I've missed everything about her.

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