Being with You - Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


My plane has just landed in LAX from Connecticut and I’m taking the airport taxi back to my aunt’s house. My Jenny has offered to pick me up but I decline. I just don’t want to bother her. Yes, I have completed my studies in Yale. I have taken up International Relations as my course and now I’m on the way home. I was thinking of taking a month off before starting to find a job. I think I need to relax my mind away from everything before I start working.

It has been 5 years since I’ve seen Zack and I have missed him like crazy. We have been contacting with each other through MySpace and e-mail during his first year in Harvard, but after I was accepted in Yale, he has totally stopped any contact with me saying that he was busy with college stuff and what not. I can’t help myself from missing him so I have surf into his Facebook once to see some photos of him. However when I saw most of his photos were surrounded with beautiful girls from his college, I stop log-in into it.

Since then I too have actively involved myself with the social activity conducted by Yale making me missed last year Christmas. Well, Zack has not been coming home from Christmas since he went to Harvard. His parents will go there to celebrate with him and his grandparents who are actually living in Boston. So they have been celebrating Christmas there.

Finally I’ve have reach my Aunt place. Yes, the same old place which have a lot of beautiful memories. Part of if is my beautiful memories with Zack. God, I told myself. I need to stop thinking about him. Maybe he found someone. He doesn’t have time for you anymore. Remember that.

As I getting out of the taxi, I saw Jenny coming out from the house running toward me. Jenny has also just completed her studies in Designs at UCLA. Yes, she went to the same university with Brad and she is still with Brad, lucky her.

“Zara,” she scream excitedly and hugged me “I missed you,”

 “I missed you too” I said hugging her back. I saw my aunt and uncle came toward us.

Releasing her, I went to hugged both my aunt and uncle “I miss you both too,” I tell them.

 “Oh, darling, we miss you so much” replied my aunt. “You look stunning. You really remind me of you mom, but you’re getting skinny. You must be working very hard and eating less.”

“Well there’s nobody to cooks for me over there and besides their cooking is not a good as yours. I’ve kind of missing it. I intend to stuff myself with all your delicious food now that I’m back,” I told her smiling.

“Well, I’ll make sure you do,” she said smiling back at me. “Daniel take her luggage and let’s go in.” she said to my uncle and pulling me into the house.  

I was unpacking my things from my bag when Jenny walks into my open room. She sits on my bed beside me. “Hey, the girls called just now. Well, since all of you had come back we thought of having a get together tonight”

“That’s great. Where are we going?” I asked her excitedly. Well, for you information, Amy has further her studies in Princeton, Lisa in NYU and Sue in UCLA. So this will be time we finally get together. We have actually planned it earlier. The girls are still with the guys except for the unlucky me.

“Well Ryan has just opened a new club in town. Sue suggested we went there. Most importantly, it will be free of charged,” explained Jenny grinning widely.

“Hmm. Excellent,” I laughed.

“Hmm, Zara,” suddenly Jenny said softly, hesitate to continue

“What’s wrong Jenny?” I urged her.

“No. I just want to tell you that Zack has came back a few months ago. He has started working in his dad company. He stayed on his own now.” She said looking worried at me.

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