Being with You - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I couldn’t stop myself from smiling even when the class started. My mind was on her and how cute she looked when she was stunned just now. God, I really wanted to kiss her again. I pushed it aside when I realised my math teacher was glaring at me for not concentrating on her subject

Brad and I were in the same class and fortunately, the teacher has to leave early and we have the class on our own. I looked at Brad and asked, “Do you want to take Jenny out for dinner tonight?”

He smiled and nodded excitedly, “Yeah, I love to, but I don’t think her parents would allow. There’s school tomorrow.”

“Just leave it to me,” I calmly said to him and dialled the Cunningham’s number.

“Hello,” I heard Mrs Cunningham sweet voice on the other side.

“Hi, Mrs Cunningham,” I acknowledged her sweetly. “This is Zack.”

“Oh, hi, Zack, How are you?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” I responded and hesitated for a while.

“What is it, Zack? Is there a problem?” she asked sweetly again.

“No,” I replied. “I know there’s school tomorrow, but I was thinking whether Brad and I could take Jenny and Zara out for dinner tonight. I’ll promise we bring them home by 10.00 tonight.” I bite my lips nervously.

“Hmm,” she said and there were silence for a while, before I heard her asking “Is it a double date?”

“Not really,” I winced, “I’m taking Zara out and Brad is taking Jenny.” I explained. “I’m going to take Zara to Sabrina’s place. That’s all. I know she’s new here, I was thinking I could introduce her to some of my friends there especially Sabrina,” I explained in the sweetest voice as possible. Hey, I need to charm her aunt too.

“Hmm,” she said again, “Where’s Brad going to take Jenny?”

I looked at Brad and give me the signal, “The mall, ma’am.”

“Hmm. what time you’re coming to pick them up?” she asked again. That’s a good sign and I smiled.

“At 7.00,” I said.

There was a silence again for a second and then she responded, “Hmm, I think it should be ok, but you must make sure you bring them back by 10.00.”

“Yes, ma’am, no problem,” I said smiling at Brad clenching my fist indicate to him it’s successful. “Thank you, Mrs Cunningham.”

“Yes,” Brad said happily and gave me high five. “How come you know Jenny’s cousin’s name? I thought you’re not interested,” he asked raising his eyebrows at me.

“Well,” I hesitated, “You remember my Cinderella?” I asked him.

He nodded and then chuckled, “It’s her?” I shyly nodded.

He laughed, “If you not so stubborn about being introduced to her, you won’t have hard time trying to find who she is.” I blushed.

The school finally over and I quickly walked to my locker hoping to meet her there but she wasn’t. Hmm, she’s trying to avoid me. I told myself and chuckled. Wow, I really like this girl. She’s different.

I went over to Brad, “We need to find the girls,” I told him. He nodded and we walked together to Jenny’s car.


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