Being with You - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Damn, I forget the neither Brad nor the guys was in the same class with me. Now, how am I going to find out her name? I can't call Amy and asked her caused she will ask me a lot of questions before I could get an answer from her. God, I need think fast. Realizing my English teacher was not in yet I quickly dashed out of the classroom and went directly to the office.

"Hey, Mary," I greeted the reception with sweetest voice as possible. "You looked beautiful today."

"Why, Zack," she responded shyly. "You look not bad yourselves. What can I do for you?" she asked sweetly.

 "Oh, Mary, you know me too well," I smiled sweetly at her. "I need a favor from you."

 "Anything for you my dear Zack," she replied. God she's flirting with me. Doesn't she realize that I'm half her age?  I felt like I'm going to puke but controlled.

Still smiling at her I said, "Is there a new girl in school?"

 "Yes, why?" she asked seriously.

 "Well, my mom and her mom used to be friends and my mom asked me to look for her but she's forgot her name.  You think you could give me her full name?" I lied still smiling sweetly that I think my face going to cramped.

 "Oh, she's Jenny Cunningham's cousin," she said and I nodded. "Let me see, what her name?" looking through the files on her desk.

 "Ah, yes, her full name is Zara Sofea Duncan," she smiled. "She used to stay in Malaysia and now she's staying with the Cunningham. Hey, her locker is somewhere near yours."

I leaned over her desk and kissed her on cheek, "Thanks Mary, you're a darling. I owe you one." I quickly ran back to my class and received a deathly glare from my teacher but as usual I managed to charm her and walked to my table without being asking any questions.

The bell rang indicating end of the period. I quickly closed my book and walked to her classroom. I peeked in and saw she was looking for her schedule which was with me. I saw her quickly closed her book and dashed out of the class.



The bell rang indicating end of the period. I closed my book and trying to find my schedule. What's my next class? Is it Economics or History? Where is my damn schedule? Oh no. I just remember. Zack took it. Damn him.

Putting my Geography book into my backpack I quickly make my way to the door hoping to avoid Zack.

"Hai Zara", it was Zack waiting at the door. "What's the rush? You not running from me, are you?"

"No, of course not", I answered him nervously. "I just don't what to be late for class that's all". SHIT. He knows my name. Not full name I hope.

"Well your next subject is History, which is again next to my class", he said while reading my schedule in his hand.

"Can I have my schedule back, please?!!" I gritted my teeth trying to control myself from screaming at him and at the same time trying to grab my schedule from him.

"Um, um, no," he shook his head and lifted the schedule high up out of my reach, "I'll hold on to this till end of the day. I don't want you get away from me."

"You only know my first name. So as a gentleman, you are to keep to your promise and leave me alone". I sneered at him

"Who says I only know your first name, Zara Sofea Duncan. A very beautiful name just like the person herself," he smiled and my jaws dropped so wide.

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