so we meet again.

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Help i look like I've just been dragged through 20 bushes i can't let him see me like this...

you aggressively threw stuff out of your wardrobe in an attempt to find something that made you look attractive but found nothing so you decided to just wear something comfortable.

i hope he doesn't thought to yourself. wait a minute he won't care because I'm hot anyways lol why would he.

and with that you left your house and ran to the train station and i mean you ran faster then you ever have in your entire life. sonic was put to shame because of how fast you ran. but honestly i don't blame you I'd do the same.

when you arrived you saw him in the same place as yesterday and you were so relieved that he actually came back. you walked up to the seat and sat next to him. his eyes met yours.

there was silence for a moment but it felt like eternity.
"so you actually came back..."
you decided to break that silence.

"well of course i did...i somehow managed to make time on my schedule."
when you first saw him you just knew he was stacked so I mean of course he probably had meetings to attend and stuff like that.
"well I'm glad you made time."
"what did you want me for assuming you wanna play again."
he paused.
"oh yeah I forgot to give you this yesterday i was in a hurry."

he passed you a peice of paper. on the front was a triangle circle and square and on the back was a number. you took your time to examine it...whatever could it be...? did he just give you his number?? yes! you've won at life at last he's gave you his number.
you tried hard not to smile too hard.

(spoiler alert it wasn't his number)

"ahem well do you wanna play again or not?"
"bring it on."

you'd practiced a bit with a freind last night and you were confident that you improved even a little bit but it was time to put it to the test and see if you really did improve.

he gave you that smile before the game started and you couldn't help but stare because damn...
first round passed, he won.

second round, he won again not surprising.

but third round you pulled through and won you jumped up in excitement and he smiled.

2-1 but he wasn't gonna win this, no you wouldn't let him.

3-2, you won again.

3-3 he was obviously surprised you were doing so well but that only made him step up his game.

4-3 ow
5-3 ouch
6-3 OW

damn it you had to atleast get 4-6 and you'd beat him tomorrow.

you threw it down with all your power and...

4-6 you'd done it, you'd reached your goal.

"ill get you one day" you laughed and he laughed aswell as he passed you your hard earned money.

"I'm surprised you done so well most people get one if they're lucky."

WHAT did you really get THAT much better in only a few hours of practice!? it was unbelievable really but you weren't done yet you'd beat him tomorrow you'd make sure of it.

"same time tomorrow...?"
"of course."

and he left again with another wink. you really fell more for him every day and you were already looking forward to tomorrow.

you started to walk home, you were excited to call him since you've got his number now. (or so you thought...)

yep, it was a random person how embarrassing...they were talking about some squid game shit and I mean you were considering but it seemed a little sketchy so you made the fantastic choice of hanging up and walked to the kitchen...after all that you were starving.

when he slaps 456 people...(gong yoo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now