Fly Me To The Moon.

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Aka chapter 5.


You couldn't sleep after what happened.
You obviously had went home and went to bed but it was pointless trying.
It was still lingering in your mind.
Imagine if you just never saw him again after that...
You couldn't let that happen.
You'd see him again tomorrow.
You'd make sure of it.

It didn't take awhile for you to fall asleep your dream was even about him everything was reminding you of it and honestly it was unbelievable.

you woke up to the sound of your alarm
"BEEP BEEP BEEP" it screamed and you lazily threw your hand over to stop the noise in a way that used the least amount of energy. you rubbed your eyes and then pulled out your phone. you were still curious about why he gave you that contact because it seemed to be a random person's. Something odd about it though was that they asked if you wanted to play the game and the man also asked you if you wanted to play a odd whatever. you roll out of bed and start to look for something to wear...

Your thoughts still wandered back to the previous night you couldn't forget but the most shocking thing of all is that you you don't even know his name...awkward af bro 💀 You'd have to find that out when you see him again today.

"Alexa play fly me to the moon."
And so you had your main character moment while getting dressed. You hummed the tune almost forgetting you had somewhere to be but eventually you finished getting ready and walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. The song was faint now but you still could hear it so you kept humming. After you were finished you ran outside without even eating breakfast, breakfast wasn't important right now you'd have to eat something later...(you ate that d-)

And you started running to the train station again knowing he'd be there he always is. Kinda weird actually but he's hot and rich so you don't question it. You still haven't forgor 💀 forgotten about last night even though you try so hard to you just can't you'll probably never forget it.

It only took a few minutes of running like you were in the Olympics to get there And yet again you saw him sitting there smiling. you awkwardly walked towards the bench. and things were quiet for a moment making it even more awkward.

"uhm what's your name..." you asked and that made shit even more awkward and since it was this awkward everyone reading probably thinks "damn this is awkward."

"oh yeah i dont think I've told you my name, my apologies its Gong yoo."
Gong yoo huh...
well then this Gong yoo character is extremely lucky to be this hot. (man's hotter than a desert) "well I know it now so it's fine."

"Hey wanna go on another date.." he said out of absolutely nowhere. and of course you said yes but it couldn't be another uh well...ifyk yk date again, right? Yeah surely not But yet that was a good thing because if you did it again it'd get in your mind and the memories of last night and just now starting to fade so your not going to ruin that. you weren't gonna say what you thought though because why would you that'd probably be rude to assume.

He was rich rich so he had one of those rich people cars idfk. It only took around 20 minutes to get there i say only because no matter how long it took it was still worth it. This time it was more of a private place, it was luxurious aswell but of course it was. "here we are!" he said cheerfully.

It actually looked like it was from a movie or sum stereotypical but it doesn't matter because Gong yoo.
He led you to a table on the balcony, the view was amazing and the moon was full and bright if the candle didn't make the perfect lighting the moon would've anyways.

It was quiet but not awkward you just looked into eachothers eyes sort of...and when that became too awkward you looked away for a few seconds you couldn't look at him the same after yesterday but it was starting to fade from your mind it'd take way more time to fade fully food, no nothing just you and him. Of course he was doing that smile he always does and that alone even though it'd only been a few days made you remember everything clearly starting from day one and what happened before all of that...

You woke up as usual and rubbed your eyes you were happy, for a second before remembering you had no money and your rent was due tomorrow, shit. You let out a loud "Ughhhhhh..." before rolling out of bed and starting your day, you got dressed and brushed your teeth then went into the kitchen and reached up into the top shelf with your breakfast in weren't exactly poor it was just all the money was going to rent so when you finally decided to use it on food that'd mean risking getting kicked out. After you sighed and decided to have some time to yourself to decide what you'd do to solve this problem...And that, lucky led you to walk to the train station.

Now, in present time you were sitting, having a date with that man you met in that train station.

Next chapter is out!

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