Chapter 3: Forest

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My head was spinning.

I grabbed my bag of essentials from the wreckage that was the stolen car and started to walk through the forest.

I never had an exact destination, I just knew I had to keep moving. With my appetite I knew it would be silly to stick around in one place. I'm no idiot. I know I'm not the only supernatural killer the police have their eyes on. News reports of psychos with no eyelids and tall men always caught my eye on the tv when I was chilling out at the crappy motels I often frequented. Besides those motels didn't have many other channels besides from news ones.

Normally I'd just say those news stories were hoaxes or the witnesses were just playing up what they saw for attention. This changed however, when I started to see my own kills on the news. Reports of men found in their beds looking as if life had been sucked out of them. Skinny, withered, grey, almost hollow looking men. With my lipstick on their lips. It used to make me feel sick. I've come to feel more numb about it now. Sometimes I even feel pride? Sometimes.

Back to walking. The forest was a lot cooler than how the air felt earlier, it's not freezing but there was a nice breeze. For some reason though, chills ran up and down my spin. I was still clutching the note from earlier. Who would leave such a creepy note?

I remember my visions before I crashed. The voice and the weird symbol. I remember the burning in my hand. It felt so real.

Looking down at my hand to reminisce on the pain and vision, I noticed something. That symbol I saw, it was faint and barely noticeable, but it was on the back on my hand.

I stopped walking. My breathing getting heavier as I stared at the white mark on my hand. Frantically I looked at the note that was crumpled in my hand. The same markings.

My eyes darted all around me. Trying to see through the woods. All of a sudden I no longer felt alone. I kept walking.

I knew if I stopped I'd become more paranoid. I stuff the note in the pocket of my blue jeans.

"I just have to keep moving."

At this point, saying that to myself is like a mantra to keep motivated. I can't stop. I can't let him know he's won.

His face haunts my memories. Red eyes, spiralling horns, the face of a decaying, black skull. I can see the anger blazing in his eyes as I refused his hand that day. Maybe if I had accepted, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did.

I looked around my self.

I have no idea where the fuck I am.

I distracted myself and now I'm lost. Fantastic.

The woods feel like they stretch on for miles and I can't see any sign of a road. Sighing to myself I march on, there's no point in being stagnant.


It's like from before. I feel my nose drip. Blood again, probably. I whipped my head to look behind me. A man?

He was tall and wearing a suit in the distance. He almost looked one with the trees. Like branches were coming out of his back. Those, however, were not branches but black, pointed tendrils. And the kicker was -

He has no face.

Fuck this.

I booked it deeper into the woods. My backpack bumped on my back as I ran and the static grew louder. I didn't dare look behind me.

I put my hands on my ears as my running became more clumsy. It wouldn't stop.

I felt the world come towards my face as I collided with the ground. I fell.

Well this is it [ Y/N ], it's probably for the best.

I closed my eyes and let the static consume me. Then I passed out.


[ A/N ] - sorry this is kind of a boring chapter, I've been really busy with uni and I'm really unwell at the minute but I hope you enjoyed anyway! Things will start to pick up from here!

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