Chapter 4: Revenge Could Taste So Sweet

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Tw: manipulation


That's all that was known to me now. I was convinced I had died and was awaiting my judgement in hell. But it never arrived.

Light started to swirl into my vision as my eyelids slowly opened. I was ... in a office?

Of sorts anyway. There was a massive oak fire place behind an oak desk. Everything was carved from this dark oak wood. But the accents in the decorations, the cushion on the desk chair and even the walls were a deep, warm red. It would have been cozy, if it wasn't so foreboding.

"Perhaps this is where the devil does his paperwork."

I giggled inwardly at my own thought. But this was cut off by an authoritative echo.

"I am no demon child. Simply a creation formed of the darkness which runs through the forest."

I gulped. The voice boomed all around me and in an impossible way, made me feel claustrophobic.

Within a blink there he was standing in front of me. The tall man who was chasing me in the forest.

I tried pull myself further back in the chair I was seated on, but I remained in place. Too scared to look away or scream in fear of angering him.

"I smell the burden of murder on you, my child. It is a scent that carries throughout this home. I am all to familiar with it."

I shivered. Shit, this really is my judgement day. Is this where I am killed? For all of my bad deeds?

Please.. it is not my fault...

"Worry not child. I know of your circumstance. The curse you bare must be a heavy one. To have to consume by means of seduction. To never be able to be truly loved. Only for your beauty but not for you."

It's voice sounded sympathetic. It's long arm extended beyond the desk, and it's boney, white fingers stroked my cheek. I wanted to vomit, to cry, to scream. But my body didn't move.

"How does he know my past? My thoughts? What is going on?"

"I have always been there, child. Your thoughts echo through the room and your past creeps through your eyes. The demon who has bestowed upon you this curse. Zalgo. You will always bare his burden of hate if he continues to live."

My heart pounded through my chest. I felt my body slowly gain control and my lips parted. That was the first time I'd heard the demons name spoken since it was first told to me. A fire crawled throughout my body. An angry fire.

"Join me, child. I shall let you seek revenge. All you must do is shake my hand."

I really am making a deal with the devil here, but the burning desire for revenge is too strong.

I extended my [S/C] hand shakily to meet his stick like fingers.

If the creature had a face it would be smirking.

I sealed the deal and this contract was binding; in more ways the I could imagine.

The sympathetic tone quickly dropped, and the authorative one replaced it.

"You are now under my control. Whatever I say you must do. Whoever I tell you to kill it must be done. My servants will train you to become my perfect asset."

I stared in disbelief. This isn't right.

My voice finally came out.

"But you said I would be able to take reven-"

"Rule one; do not talk back."

I quickly shut my mouth, his voice running through me.

"There will be punishments for disobedience, but I shall let it slide this once. Now, you shall put on the clothing and mask on the desk in front of you."

I stared in confusion, until I looked down at the desk.

That wasn't there before?

A costume mask, styled in that of a doctors plague mask and a black hoodie were placed on the desk. But for the life of me I had no idea why.

"Succubi give off pheromones to draw people in which is bad enough. However, as your whole appearance has been charmed itself, it's best not to cause distractions to the other servants and residents of this home, thus you shall conceal your identity in their presence."

I wanted to argue, to take back our deal. This is ridiculous, I never agreed to this!

But I knew the damage had been done.

"Get dressed quick. My servants will be here shortly."

But before I could argue, He had vanished.


A/N: hi sorry I've been gone so long, it's been pretty hectic but I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter !

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