Chapter six

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"We have put Bella in danger long enough while we are here we have to leave." Ed says before we even have a chance to sit down.

"Ed you do realize what'll happen to you when you leave her right?" I asked, referring to how Marcus is. Depressed.

"Yes Alex, I've thought it over. I think it's safer if we leave for her and us. I mean look at you Alex you've already almost gotten killed. Bella twice." I thought about his words. I knew me and my family would be safer. Maybe not all happier but safer.

"Let's put it to a vote." Carlisle says. "All in favor of leaving raise their hand. Rose, Em, Jazz and Ed all raised their hands. I was hesitant but raised my hand too. Majority vote. We move.

"Ok let's all start packing. We'll leave for Ithaca, New York in the morning." Carlisle says. I'm sad we're moving but I'm glad we're going to New York. Carlisle always said the next time we move I could attend college. Yay!! Another great thing is we have a Cullen family tradition that whenever we move we dress up in clothes of the decade we were born! It's my favorite part about moving. I head up to my room. I get dressed and pack all my things. My makeup (not a lot there) and jewelry, one box. My bathroom stuff, one and a half box. My room decor, half a box. My clothes, shoes, hats, and bags, 10 boxes. My art stuff, 15 boxes. Finally my books, 20 boxes. I place all 37 boxes on my floor and call my brothers.

"Major! Teddy bear! Stupid mind reader! I need you!" I call to my brothers

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"Major! Teddy bear! Stupid mind reader! I need you!" I call to my brothers. In a few seconds all my brothers are standing in my room. All dressed up in their time period clothes.

"Looking handsome boys" I say.

"Thank you ma'am. You look beautiful" They reply at the same time. I curtsy in thanks.

"Ok please help me take my boxes out to my car." The nod and grab the boxes. Em grabs 15 filled with books.

"Jeez sis what'd you pack bricks?"

"No, just my books."

"I think we need to limit your book spending." I laugh and grab the other five book boxes. Ed and Jazz grab the last 17 and we all run out to my car. I put all my boxes in my car (and a few in Em's jeep cause I couldn't fit them all). Once I'm done I strap my motorcycle to one of those motorcycle racks. (AN: Don't know if they have a specific name.)

Once everyone's cars are packed we cover up the furniture and head out to Ithaca, New York.


It takes us about two days but we finally reach our new home. (house in picture) It was built in the 1800's but it's been updated with modern appliances.

"Oh it's beautiful!" I say getting out of the car.

"I agree." Rose says standing next to me. I look back at my family and get sad. Ed went off on his own which means we won't see him till, if we get lucky, Christmas. I'm gonna miss him.

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