Chapter 2: Opprtunity Missed

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My mornings are always quiet, Mum leaves just before six and dad leaves just after I wake up. It doesn't mind me much that's just what I consider normal, As I try to drag myself out of bed I realize that today is the first day of high school. I look over at my clock and notice it's 7:15, thank god dad dropped that pan this morning or I would still be asleep.

I get my Uniform out of my wardrobe chuck it on my bed and make my way down stairs, make breakfast take a shower and go back up stairs again. I get into my uniform and instantly feel like a dork, We have navy shorts and a shirt which we have to tuck in. Wonder how bad the girls uniform looks, I grab the bottom of the shirt and UN-tuck it. 'looks a bit better i guess' With that i grab my lunch and leave for school.

I walk through the gate to see that everyone was waiting outside the hall ready to be let in for the assembly, With time to spare I decide to look around at all the other year nines at the school. After looking around a bit I notice my friend Walker, I walk up to him and start a conversation. It was a pretty normal conversation, the good old... 'how you have been? what have you been up to?' kind of thing.

In the middle of conversation Walkers eyes light up, I know this look well he has seen a girl, a really pretty one. I turn my head to see what has caught my best friends attention, I see a girl 'well obviously' but to me it isn't no ordinary one.

She is truly gorgeous, long blonde hair and a huge smile across her face. She was standing with her parents nervous i could tell, very self-conscious. ' really she had no reason to be'

Walker began to talk to the group of guys again but this time i did not seem to be bothered, listening to anymore talk about upcoming sports events and so on didn't seem to appeal to me. I found myself in a daze looking at this beautiful girl who had just walked into school.

Soon we were invited into the assembly, this was my opportunity to go talk to her. I started to walk towards her, I was nearly there, so close but someone just had to walk in front of me and cut me off. 'dammit' with that there stood and opportunity missed, with disappointment written across my face I made my way into the hall.


Making my way around the hall in search for a seat, this task would have been so much easier if i had been at he front of the queue 'things we do for girls jeez'. After a while I spot Walker, I wave and he looks at me and smiles .

OK cool, he is all good with me sitting there, anyway why shouldn't he, as I am crossing over to the other side of the hall I here a group of girls start to whisper about me as I walk passed. 'look at that, it looks like time to get my boy charms started' I walk back to the girls and start to work my charms.

I was just starting to get to a good part of my heart warming story about me saving some puppies life when out of the blue someone happens to walk straight into me. I turn to give them a lecture about there clumsiness, well i was until i meet her eyes...

It is like looking into the milky way, the way all the blues and greens mix, my god they are beautiful. I offer her my hand which she takes graciously then stands up, she goes to thank me put she is so nervous...kinda cute if you ask me.

I was about to make some witty comment but she takes one look at the girls i was talking to and is off like a rocket. Well that's two times this morning and i don't even know here name yet ' Adam get your shit together'. Normally I would carry on my convo with the girls behind me, but today is different...Really different.

For the whole assembly I sit in silence, playing the situation over and over again in my head, each time creating a different situation. The assembly flies by then we are put in classes I make my way down the far end of the school, Walker and I are in the same class 'awesome' we are right at the front. It doesn't take to long to get to A block... Everyone files into class. And so the year begins.

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