Chapter 7: They are always the same

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The text from Andrea hurt, the fact that I thought he would be different made my insides ache.

I sat there on the edge of my bed with my freshly done makeup running down my face, they were just stupid words typed on a phone, but yet they still hurt and I don't want to repeat the events from year 8.

I sat there for a bit when my phone vibrated next to me, it was Adam. I wanted to scream at him tell him how much of an asshole he was, I took a look at his text and more tears streamed down my face.

Adam- Hey beautiful

My insides burned with hatred, how could he act like nothing. furiously text him back

Emily-"Hey Adam, sorry looks like I won't be your Girl toy tonight"

I felt tired as my eyes stung from all the tears, I fell asleep curled up on the corner of my bed. I woke up the next morning on the floor, my neck and back ached as I rolled over. I sat up and groaned in pain, rubbing my hands over my face.

I make my way out of my room and into the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, I take in my puffy eyes that had formed from the breakdown I had last night. With that I made my way to the kitchen, I notice a note on the counter as I make my breakfast.

It was from my mother, had left me a note and $20 beside it. I picked up the note and instantly felt that little bit better.

Note: Honey I walked into your room last night and you were curled up on your bed sobbing, I didn't want to interrupt but i talked to your teachers and you don't have to go to school today xxx love you.

Text me if you want me to come home xx

And with that I was home alone with only my totally unstable feelings.


My whole entire day consisted of food and Netflix and the often emotional break down, I was a disaster.

It was about the time second period rolled around that I started to get texts from everyone at school, I answered them all just with a simple 'under the weather kind of thing' there was one message that was very out of the norm...

Kim- OMFG are you OK I have seen the text messages between you and Andrea, Adam is such an ass.

Emily- how,what, who

Emily- how do you know??

Kim- The photo of the conversation is everywhere, not one single person doesn't know about it.

Emily- I... Just then my phone decided to die, half of my messages I still hadn't read and I didn't get to talk to Kim.

I get out of my bed and plug in my phone, I fall back on my bed all the recent events replaying in my mind I was sooo confused, I thought Andrea was my friend and I never knew that Kim still liked me. With thought running wildly i some how feel asleep.....


I didn't go to school for the rest of that week, my mother was so worried about me she can read me perfectly and she new something was up.

It was Friday afternoon that mum came up to my room to talk, she brought up dinner a lovely stir fry to be honest that was exactly what I felt like. She was always good to talk to she always listened and gave you the perfect advice you needed.

I told her everything by the end of my long heart felt story I was in tears, my mother took me into a warm hug and spoke...

" Stand strong Emily, show him what he is missing out on. You are a smart beautiful girl don't let them see any different. "

with that she left, I was going to school on Monday and I was going to be strong and completely give Adam the cold shoulder because he deserved nothing less.

With that I ate my stir fry in peace knowing that I was finally healing the heart break, I was their eating away when my phone went off.

Wow I had be so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot about it, I got off my bed and walked to my dresser. The message was from Adam, along with the other 13 unread messages. To be honest I felt really popular, I open my phone and read through my text from Adam.

Adam- Hey, whatever you heard isn't true Andrea is just being a bitch. I hope you are OK!!

My heart was pounding in my chest, I didn't know what to do, what to believe I thought I finally had everything figured out.

With that there was a dramatic change of plans I am going to have to talk to Adam on Monday, he better have a great explanation.


Hey Guys thanks for reading, just wanting 2 know wat you think so far and is there anything not so good?? Just comment your thoughts. Please comment anything I know I only have 5 readers but, I just want to know how I'm doing. Please please comment :)

Thanks Heaps

Em xxo

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