Chapter 5: Who What Where

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I read over the note one more time, I swear I must be dreaming.

It can't be no it just can't, I fall backwards onto my bed, I rest the note on my chest and drown in deep thought. My very own Mystery guy wants to meet me, I sit bolt up right and start to panic.....


Dear Emily, after a week of texting you I have come to the conclusion that I would like for us to meet.
Back of the Gym Friday after school.

Do I want to meet him? This questioned played with my thoughts the entire night, I guess I have the whole of Thursday to figure this one out.


Friday Morning and I have come to the conclusion that I am going to meet this stranger, as there are high chances of some sort of problem 'stranger danger much' I have create a plan of safety...

Last period arrives and I begin to start second guessing my decisions, the last bell rings and I decide that this is something I have to do.

I get my Homework books and take my time getting to the gym, my plan was to make sure I get there after F.M.G so I can see who it is before they see me. I am nearing the gym when the butterflies start to flutter violently, I peak around the corner and my mind instantly freaks out.

I stop peaking around the corner and fall to the ground, I could have never seen this coming....Adam Brineshouls was that mystery boy, I start start to become breathless.

I stand up again and look around the corner, I must had this wrong, why would Adam one of the most popular guys of the school take his time to text me or even send me flowers?

I find myself just standing there completely confused just staring at this guy in front of me, my mind constantly wondering what to do...I started to turn and walk away when I hear Adam start to get up shoving his phone in his bag, quick what do I do.

I start to walk away casually trying to blend in, only problem no one was around. As soon as he came round the corner I knew I had been spotted.

He calls out my name and my legs start making there own decisions start to run me to the other side of the school, I am running full pace but Adam being the softball athlete he is catches up with me in no time.

He grabs my arm turning me to face him, I stare straight at the ground hoping that he will just walk away. 'some logic I got there'

Adam doesn't seem to take the hint and tilts my head up so we are both looking straight into each others eyes, we just stayed there looking into each others eyes forever, but I was no fool I knew all guys were selfish and only craving popularity and Adams type happens to be the worst. 'Stupid Boys'

He must of notice something was wrong because he began to break the awkward silence,

"Emily, I need you to see that the boy you were talking to over text was the real me" His words seemed honest 'but they always do'.

"the same boy who happens to like you, like you actually quiet a lot" His checks warmed 'wait what, Adam Brineshouls the Adam Brineshouls is blushing, over a girl like me' I freeze, what am I going to say, this is never happened before, well not since year 8.

"I don't know what to say..." I was stuck, what was I suppose to do.

"Emily, 'long pause' will you give me a chance and go on a date with me?"

"I...I...I.." couldn't get any words out I was just shock, stunned no words seem to explain these emotions, my mind is spinning wildly what do I do.

"I'll take that as a yes..Pick you up at 7:00" He smirked at me a little dimple forming on his right check, then he left....I stood there for a bit just taking in what had just happened, what did just happen??


Butterflies were brutally beating against my rib cage while I was running home, my mind was working full pace trying to figure out what I was going to do. Soon I got home my heart beating fast and lungs working quickly 'why did I have to run' I opened the front door dumped my bag on the couch and when straight up stairs to me room.

I grabbed my phone and changed the contact number of the mystery boy, who was no longer a mystery.I lay there wondering what will happen tonight, as I lay there with phone on my chest I get a vibration, a text from Andrea...

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