Chapter 1: Simply sitting alone

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The morning flew by quickly and before I knew it all of my family members were in the car on our way to the first day of school, the morning was a bit chaotic as we had troubles finding stuff as a couple of boxes still sat in our kitchen unpacked.

But neither the less we had got ready and excited for my first day of the next five years, the drive to school was terrifying, It was the first day of year nine at Britannia school. The whole ride I sat quietly in the back set, a hurricane of thoughts whipped through my mind... would I get bullied again, what if I don't make friends??? I can't mess this up, it's a fresh start and no one knows about my back ground. 'right?'

With the school in sight I check over my uniform frantically, I look down at my perfectly ironed blouse and make sure my socks are fully pulled up, I always make sure I look presentable. Always a good way to get on the good side of the teachers, bit of a kiss ass in that sense. I am always one to do my homework, get good grades and am involved in most co-curricular activities. And that is how I wanted high school to be like, no trouble for me!!

Once parked in the car park, I froze, not like literally turned into and ice cube but a sudden urge not to get out of the car suddenly consumed me. I just sat there completely still, it wasn't until my mum came around the side of the Audi q3 and started pulling me out of the car, I realized that I had to do this there was no turning my back to this one.

I get out and swing my bag over my shoulder, both my parents had already started to walk to the hall so I had to quickly catch up. Once next to them I started to look around the school, I have walked through it before but this time it felt different. There was a feeling of insecurity, like I was constantly being judged by the girls and boys around me, i didn't like it, didn't like it at all.

Standing outside the hall waiting to be let in was probably the most nerve-raking part of the day so far, as i looked around and noticed the real diversity at school. Not just culture-wise, but how each child/teen was acting.

There was kids without parents, one parent or even just a big group of gossiping friends. I could tell everyone had all come from the same intermediates and had heaps of friends, so my nerves just kept on getting worse and worse by the second. The earthquakes magnitude bellow my feet growing stronger. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse! ' getting really hard to stand over here' Please don't....

Sadly that wasn't the case, I was mistaken big time as, it was now the time to leave my parents and walk into the hall. Simple enough task, (right??) but no the world today was definitely deciding to make it a pick on Emily day! I walk in and start to look around for a spare seat, I spot one on the far side a start to make my way towards it.

I was nearly there just about to make my way up the bleachers, when I started staring at the ceiling, there where cords and wires everywhere how...

'bang' I was lying on the ground, how did i get here? I was busy contemplating what had happened when a hand was spotted above me, willing to help me up. I grab the hand and get up it isn't until i look in front of me that i notice who helped me up. And OMG he was cute, murky green eyes and brownish hair.

Never have i seen anyone so perfect in my life, an I had just totally embarrassed myself in front of him. I am honestly a clumsy idiot, I apologized quickly, my voice nothing but squeak from a mouse. With no more words to be exchanged I turned on my heal and started to walk away to my seat. I sat down and my checks were already a flaming red.

The assembly started and the embarrassment began to fade, my eyes looked straight forward the whole time. (There was no way I could take the chance of looking at him) The point of assembly had come, time to get put into our home room classes, a few classes pass and then my name is called.

I stand up and make my way to the class I will call home room for the next five years the next step is to make friends within this new class. I make my way down to the far end of the school, time to see who's in my class... I make my way into A Block, Class 2 'some weird reason i fell behind'... Anyways i turn the corner and...

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