Chapter 4: Mystery Best Friend

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Today marks the beginning of the year, term one, oh joy this means its going to be assessment after assessment after assessment. ' actually that's the whole year in general '

I walk to school in a pissed off mood. I walk to my locker and check what period I had first 'History' Yes, my pissed of mood folds into a origami crane and flies away.

I grab my books and walk to class with a giant smile spread wide across my face.


After a long brain numbing day I make my home from school, I get home and fall onto my bed in a giant heap.

I get all my books out of my bag and begin my hours of homework, On the first day of term I find the amount of work I have quite surprising.

Even better already have my first assessment, a partner assessment it is, normally I would be happy about this but sadly this time partners were chosen and i got peered with ADAM!!

'inner groan' I know, very childish but he is just another one of those hot and popular boys who think they are better than everyone else.

We are two totally different sides of the social ladder but hey, as long as he gets the assessment done I'm happy...

Time passed and soon It was just pass 8:00 so I decided to stop my homework 'such a shame' I left it sprawled over my bed and made my way down stairs to for dinner....

I made my way into my room feeling as if I was about to pop open, I climbed onto my bed in effort to begin my homework again.

I was just about to Write the last page of my essay when a giant 'can't be bothered feeling took over' with that I collected all my homework together and tucked my self into bed.

For the next hour I just lay there flicking through social media, until my eyes fluttered close and I fell asleep......I wake up and it's Monday week 2, the whole first week has flown by so quick and I already feel like crawling up in a ball and sleeping. 'for an eternity'

I was repeating another day of school when randomly in period 4 I got a text, but it wasn't anything normal, like a teacher reminder or one of my friends asking about me doing there homework for them.

No this time it was from a random number, 'who the heck would be texting me??'

I responded to the text quickly, but not quite having to time to click send. 'bad timing teacher' Looks like i'll have to wait till lunch to find out who it is texting me. I cannot wait curiosity is completely consuming me at the moment.

Lunch time rolls around and I completely forget about this mystery message...

With that the end of school has approached and back home I go, I swear school is just one week after another almost as a constant cycle. 'boring, boring, boring' 

I get home and chill, 'jokes ,nobody's got time for that' so of to my room to do homework I go.

I was nearing the end of finishing the last parts to my history assessment, when my phone began to vibrate in my bag.

I rush over as I remember all about the 'mystery number'  how could I have forgotten, I run over to my bag sitting by my door almost tripping over in the process. 'born clumsy'

I grab my bag and pull my phone out of the front pocket, I ran back to my bed and lay across it and open my phone.

"Hey " simple, but the question playing on my mind.

Who the heck wants to talk to me, what do they want?? so many questions flow rapidly through my mind.

To make sure I know who I am talking to I ask who it is, "hey, who's this? :)"

I wait, no answer, I wait some more, still no answer, I wait for a whole 20 mins before I get a response....

"sorry, that is not something I wish to share"

I am now freaking out, what!!! Should I keep talking I don't even know who this person is?

"OK, then what should I call you?" I ask almost biting my nails off before I have even sent it.

Again I wait patiently, this time the response comes much quicker.

" F.M.G, stands for favorite mystery guy ;)"

"OK, favorite mystery guy can I ask you a couple of questions to make you a little less of a mystery?" I sit up quickly, 'Emily just stop worrying'

"sure thing ;)"

OK, what to ask.....ummmmmmmmm, got it.

"do you attend Britannia high??" It was a simple question but it would narrow down possible suspects.

"yes and i'm in your year" OK, that narrows it down to 300 students...

I ask this mystery boy a couple more question as this is what I found out:

1) he has been at school since year nine

2) He is in my year

3) I have meet him before

4) He is sooo nice to talk to, we talk all through the night making jokes and just plain old talking.


A whole week has passed and I am still no closer to finding who my F.M.G is, I know so much but never enough, I ask questions about himself all the time but never does he answer ones about appearance. He knows who I am shouldn't I know who he is?? Got to admit I do quiet like the mystery...

I get back from just another day of school just to do more work, I go to my room get in my pooh bear onesie and start my work. I HATE homework I feel like it's just a type of torture the teaches use, well at least I don't have to worry about that partner assessment....

Actually tomorrow is the due date of this partner history assessment and to be honest I am blown away by the amount of work Adam has done, Actually more than surprised because not only did he do more than 50% of the work we also finished a whole 4 days ago.

Each history lesson since all we have done is a couple of finishing touches and talk.

I have to admit hanging with Adam has been pretty fun, what surprised me the most was how different he is once you actually get to know him.

He is really good loo..'stop Emily what are you thinking, he is still just like every other boy don't let him in he will hurt you!'

All the Memories start to flash through my mind, three years, it has been three years and I still have lack of trust in those around me .

For a while I sit quietly just letting all thoughts have there turn, it isn't long before I am interrupted by the door bell echoing through the house.

I make my way to the door and try to plaster on a smile, before opening the door to find no one there.

I lean out the door and scope the area, I took a step forward to hopefully get a better view when I heard a weird squelching noise.

My eyes dart down to the source of the sound which happens to be a bunch of beautiful freshly pick flowers, My fake smile was no longer there but replaced with the biggest realist smile there could ever be.

Thankfully only one or two flowers were destroyed, so I picked out all the squashed ones in the bunch and threw them into the garden. I made my way back inside and closed the door behind me, I set the flowers down on the coffee table and went on a search for a vase to put the bright and colorful flowers in.

I came back with a white geometric vase, this would go perfectly with all the white roses and purple snapdragons. I fill the vase with water then I take my new flowers to my room and set it on my desk opposite to my bed, as I set the vase down a note falls to the ground. 'this must be who its from' I pick the note up from the ground.

I go over and sit on my bed opening up the note, The first words.....

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