Chapter 6: The Turning Point Crash.

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The afternoon ran smoothly and now I had a date with Emily, finally all that time, all those years finally seemed worth it. I couldn't wait,I arrived home a giant grin not being able to escape my face, nothing could break my good mood.

It was nearing 6:00 so I decided to text Emily and asked her if she was ready, I grab my phone and flicked her a quick text.

"Hey Emily, you ready for tonight" I waited patiently for a reply, I don't know why I was worried why wouldn't she be ready...A text comes through moments later...

Emily- "Hey Adam, sorry looks like I won't be your Girl toy tonight"

My eyes flew open wide and my mouth formed and O... what, what just happened. What is she talking about, I sit there confused, well there goes my perfect day.

I finally thought I was taking action and finally being able to start something with someone.

I let out an annoyed groan as I fell back onto my bed, taking the fault in our stars movie tickets in my hands and tearing them throwing them into the bin next to me. They were for the luxury cinema but If they landed in the bin or not I really do not care, all I know is I failed, once again my chances with Emily were brutally missed.


That night I couldn't fall asleep, I wanted to know what happened, what did I do wrong?? I couldn't fall asleep all night I just couldn't, my mind couldn't work out what was going on. 'well Saturdays sport is going to be wicked'






I heard someone wake up so I decided it was time to get ready for the big game today, I throw on my gear and make my way downstairs. My eyes hardly able to open, I walk into the kitchen to find my dad. A giant fake smile on his face, 'whats happened'

"son" my dad says ' Ohh whats this about '

"Your Mother and I think..." this is just getting worse and worse

"It is time you give up your sport and focus on your studies" ' I can't of heard him right what!!'

"WHAT, Dad I am one of the best Softball players in the whole of the country what more do you want?!" I was blowing smoke out of my ears, how could he do this. Emily now him, this was turning into a really bad couple of days.

"Well then you will have to get your grades up or we are not funding your hobbies no longer, this is all sports OK, rugby, softball the whole lot." Dads tone was firm, I knew there was no way out of this one.' I tried anyway'

"But I have a tournament coming up dad, this is so unfair. how much better do you want my grades dad, I have passed everything, every exam passed!" I throw my hands in the air, my tiredness wasn't making this any easier.

There was no response from my dad just a dagger throwing stare, he had won and I had to some how get better grades, or a good paying job. I guess it possible....

" Well your mother and I have noticed that your grades have dropped over the years....That counts for today, so go get out of that gear and start your studies" an evil grin spread across his face, I through my hands in the air and stomped upstairs.

The whole weekend passed and all I did was study, I still cannot comprehend what has happened...


Monday morning I make my way to school, in probably the worst mood in the history of bad moods. I walked to my locker head down and my arms wrapped around my body, I swing open my locker the door hitting into the one next to it. I furiously grab out my history books and make my way to class early, (1) to study and (2) to avoid any human contact.

I walk in to History to find a nearly empty classroom, I don't bother to look who they are instead I just make my way to the back corner of the class. I dump my bag on the table and take out my text books, beginning my work. I am just finishing my first page of notes when I hear taping on the window next to me, I try to ignore it but the taping gets more frequent.

I lift my head from my books and look outside the glass door, to which I find my best mate Eric standing there, a huge smile spread wide across his face. I stand up and walk out of class, with only 5 minutes to the bell whatever Eric wants needs to be quick. Once i'm out of the class with no warning Eric just bursts into a rambling fit.

Me missing everything he is saying I just nod my head, he then pulls out his phone and begins flicking through his camera roll. Once he finds the photo he turns the phone towards me, it takes a moment to focus on the phone but when I do I am not at all impressed. It's a screen shot of a conversation, full of lies.

( the message )

Andrea- Hey Emily, just seeing what your up to.
Emily- Just at home doing homework, getting ready for a date soon.
Andrea- Ok but more important, So guess who asked me out today!!
Emily- Who!! :)
Andrea- Adam, isn't that awesome!!
Andrea- I said yes of course, so what do you think.
Emily- lucky you.
Andrea- you like him don't you?
Emily- yeah I do and you knew that
Andrea- honey he will never like someone like you.
Emily- why??
Andrea- because honey you are a nerd, a fat, ugly nerd. Someone like Adam doesn't even take a second glance at you, and if he has shown any affection it is to get in your pants!

I turn around and walk back into the class, I didn't say anything to Eric, all that I left him with was a slam of the classroom door.

I have to talk to Emily, no wonder she cancelled plans last night. It was my one chance to finally have someone to care about and at the moment she thinks I'm an ass.

It's nearly the beginning of class so she should be arriving soon...the bell rings and Emily is yet to arrive...the class begins and still no sight of her...interval still nothing...lunch rolls around and I decide there is no point looking anymore.


One whole week, one whole week and no sight of Emily... I was worried, I would text her after every period but I would never get a respond. Andrea couldn't be happier with her self, she acted as if nothing happened.

I don't talk to anyone anymore, I sit alone music in my ears thinking about what I need to do to make things right. I send her a text Friday afternoon, explaining everything that had happened. I don't know why I left it this late I was hoping to talk to her in person but I was running out of chances of that ever happening.

That was it the message sent and I sat there on a random park bench waiting, waiting for the reply...

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