🫧 ✶⋆⊰ 𝟎𝟎𝟏 ⊱꙳⚘ 🍒

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𝟏. ⍢⌠ I'll never forget that day 🙈 ⌡ツ

Rebecca  ━━━ Mom, I'm leaving — I spoke loud enough for her to hear me from the kitchen.

I left the house and immediately got into the cab that was waiting for me already outside.

It's been like three days since Oliver and I argued, this after the party at their house.

But I had my clear reasons.

We ended up arguing because of "jealousy", on my part, Oliver is so nice that he didn't even realize I was upset about that situation, seeing him and that girl talking made me sick.

I just texted him saying I was going there, I didn't even ask if he's home or not, it wouldn't matter as I also have a copy of the key to that house.

The cab stopped in front of the condominium and I got out of the car, made the payment and walked to the entrance of the house, I could see by the movement that there were people, probably Oliver would also be at home.

Rebeca ━━━ wassup guys? — I said walking in and seeing some of the boys in the room.

Regie ━━━ Heyyo, looks who's here — he said coming to hug me.

Of the boys, the one I'm closest to is Reginald, aka Regie, I talk to everyone and I'm friends with everyone, but Regie knows more about me than everyone else and is closer to me, we're like best friends, sister & brother.

Darren ━━━  Sup Becca? — I hug him.

Rebecca ━━━  Is Oliver home? — I asked sitting on the couch.

Justin ━━━  Nope, Seb, Kane and Oliver went shopping with Ty.

Regie ━━━  Are you already resolved?

Rebecca ━━━  Not yet, but I came here to sort it out, I miss him as much as I'm jealous and upset with him, in fact, I can't go too long without talking him, unfortunately.

Ryan ━━━ Sup Rebeca? — he said approaching me — are you calmer?

Rebeca ━━━ I'm here, come in peace

We spent some time talking and I explained to the boys why I acted that way. Was he wrong? He was!

Did I hurt him? I hurt, I hurt him with certain words, but he has to understand that I was tired of the same things, the same attitudes, it's obvious that the girls keep hitting on him, and he always says he never notices it, that he never flirts with them back.

Tyler  ━━━ Hey Rebecca — he said as soon as he saw me — are you okay?

Sebastian ━━━ Is Rebecca here? — he asked appearing in the room — Oliver, Rebecca is here! - shouted.

Rebecca ━━━ No need to yell Seb. I'm better, less upset with Oliver.

Oliver ━━━ hi baby — he said coming towards me, wait, is Oliver afraid? — are you still upset?

Rebecca ━━━ I'm fine Oliver

Oliver ━━━ am I forgiven?

Rebecca ━━━ but I've already forgiven you

Oliver ━━━ I love you so much baby — hugged me — it won't happen again I missed you so much.

Rebecca ━━━ So you already know, the next punishment will take a week, I'm not even kidding — he smiled, idiot — I missed you — I kissed him.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now