letter 9,

928 82 4

on october 1st . . .

it had been 3 months.

what on earth happened between them?

he couldn't help but notice that, it wasn't him avoiding her anymore.

it was her.

and with that, he respected her decesion.

if she didn't want to talk to him, he wasn't going to force her to.

he will wait.

it was only a matter of time.

and so he picked up the letter and began to read it.


dear heeseung,

july 1st, 2017

i think my soul nearly left my body today.

my heart nearly poped after such incident.

even if it was to be a joke, i think it was too dangerous.

who knew i would be complimented by you?

i think that made my whole day . . . even if it was to be a joke :)

i think you may be disappointed when you find out who i really am. i mean, i saw you waiting for me to appear to slip your letter but thank goodness i was one step ahead.

i doubt im your type so good luck with yout crush haha!

be back soon, parents are calling for me.

hey, I'm back.


this is awkward.

remember about the exchange course i overheard? i guess i jinxed myself. i may it may not be applying for that course.

its either me or my sister.

i hope its not me.
i get homesick easily :(

it hasn't been confirmed or anything but i guess i can only wait.

i mean on the bright side, its not that bad? maybe i can meet new friends, get over you, learn new things,  explore...

oh gosh i dont know anymore.

im getting tired now.

night :)

yours truly,


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