Chapter 14: One Month

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Emily's POV

I woke up extra early today feeling extremely confused.

On one hand, I'm happy Alison asked me to move in with her, especially since I didn't like my own apartment anymore.  Or at least not since Issac tainted it for me.

But on the other hand, I couldn't help but feel extremely guilty I wasn't able to spend the whole day with her like we had originally planned. What's worse is that she was still kind enough to cook me breakfast in bed like she does every morning. How does she even manage to do that all the time without it seeming like a problem? I would probably be mad if the roles were reversed.

"Wake up sunshine. You're going to be late to work if you don't hurry" Alison tells me.

"Grr. I don't wanna. Can't I just be lazy like you and stay in your bed all day?" I respond pulling the covers back over my head.

"Baby it's our bed now. And no you can't. Besides your calendar says you have an important meeting with the landlord of your building after your appointment. You can't miss that. Unless you want to kiss your place goodbye" she responds.

"Ugh! You're no fun" I say back with a pout.


I've now been waiting for my first and only client of the day for almost 45 minutes now and she still hasn't shown up yet!

Whoever this Ms.Darkbloom is, she's seriously starting to get on my nerves. First she switches days last minute and then she doesn't even have the courtesy to even show up on time.  Money or not, it still doesn't entitle her to do that. Especially not when I have important plans today.

I was about to give up and leave to go get lunch when I hear someone coming in. I expected it to be her, but to my surprise it was just Alison.

"Babe what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I'm here for my appointment. I'm sorry I'm late baby. I had a few things to take care of first" she answers with a devilish smile on her face.

"You're Ms.Darkbloom? But- but.. How did you, when did you-"

"I got help from CeCe. She was the one that called in. I knew you wouldn't be able to recognize her voice over the phone. So tell me, did you like my surprise?" she says stopping me mid ramble.

"I would say yes. But no, because you made me wake up early for no reason"

"We'll just see about that at the end of the day" she says winking at me. God how I love that wink of hers. It gives me the butterflies every single time she does it. "So come on, we have a day full of plans to start working on" she adds, gently holding my hand and leading me out of the building.

About half an hour later, we're walking into some fancy looking building. "Uh Ali, what are we doing here?" I ask.

"Well since you're always so stressed and tired, I booked you a spa treatment, all inclusive. So just relax and enjoy it my love" she answers. My love? That's a first. " So I'll leave my car here with you, CeCe's picking me up. I have to finish something up in the office, but I'll see you after your meeting baby. Have fun, but not too much without me" she kisses me before walking out, leaving me even more confused then I already was earlier in the day.

Its crazy how much I like this woman.


Once noon rolls around and my spa treatment and massages are over, I leave the resort and make my way over towards Alison's car. I then begin to drive  to the office where I'm supposed to meet the landlord. I'm just really hoping that he can lower my payments. Especially now that I'm starting to regret using my college funds to start a business without having any sort of experience.

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