Chapter 2: My New Neighbor

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Alison's POV

Pulling up into our parking spot in our apartment complex, causes me to pull out of my current train of thoughts. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I should be thrilled or sadden to be back home after all that's happened.

When I'm just about to exit the car, CeCe pulls me back by my wrist. "Ali, listen. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. But seriously, are you okay? You seem very... distant since you woke up. What's wrong?" she asks me with a look of worry on her face.

As I sit there thinking for an answer that won't lead me breaking into tears, she cuts me off again before I even have the chance to speak. "See! That's exactly what I mean! I know you're not okay.. You haven't been okay for years now. Ever since it happened. But you have to move on. Hurting and taking the revenge out on others won't do you any good!" she pointed out almost to a point of shouting. "So for christ sake, just man the fuck up for once already and be happy. Or at least try and enjoy your life. Please?" she states with an extremely soft voice this time.

"You don't think I know that already! God! I thought you of all people would understand what this feels like!" I scream with tears in my eyes. Before I say anything more, I just wipe away my tears and exit the car trying to get into the building as fast as possible.

I didn't even notice that I practically sped walked until I noticed that my sister was nowhere in my eyesight. Oh well. I guess she can just catch the next elevator up, because I'm not about to wait here for her while I look like a hot mess out here. I'm just thankful that I have a pair of sunglasses with me, to help shield my now red puffy eyes.

As the doors were about to close, I notice a foot pry them back open and a tan girl walk in. I normally would have yelled at the girl for slowing me down, but this time I just couldn't. She was just so pretty to be mean to.

The girl was a slightly taller brunette with a slight coat of sweat glistening on her forehead and body. She was wearing nothing but a pair of tight black shorts, bright pink sports bra and matching black with pink Nike sneakers. I just couldn't help to stare, she was just so beautiful even if she was covered in sweat. Making this the second time in a few minutes that I'm thankful for my sunglasses.

I was just about to ask her what she was doing here, when the elevator beeped open and she got off on the second floor.

When I approached my apartment door on the fifth floor, I suddenly realized that I didn't have my key with me. Just great! Now I have to wait until CeCe gets here after all!  And who knows how long that'll take?

<The Next Day>

I was just about to go back home after doing a little retail therapy. When I notice an unfamiliar red Camero parked in my spot. The apartment complex doesn't assign its tenants spaces, considering most of the apartments within each have multiple roommates. But everyone here knew that this was my spot and that whoever takes it would have to pay my furry.

As I park next to the unknown car and make my way around towards it to leave them a message with my key, I notice the same girl from yesterday leaving the apartment complex and headed towards that very same car.

The mystery girl noticed and started to walk over to me instead "Oh hello, sorry if I'm in your way. I had to park here real quick while I loaded my equipment".

"Equipment?" was all that I could manage to say as I quirked up my eyebrows in question.

"Um yes. I'm a physical therapist. I was running late for an appointment with a client so I parked in the closest spot available to cut down on time" she says shyly to me. "Oh wait is this like your parking spot or something?" she now asks after a few moments when realization finally hit her. 

"Uh-hm. Well-" I began to speak.

"Oh my bad. Sorry I'm still new here. I didn't mean to. I'll get out of your spot ri-"the brunette nervously managed to get out as she rummages through her keys. Probably looking for her car key im assuming?

I just chuckled as I walked closer towards her. "No. Don't. It's alright. You're already parked there. And I'm already parked here. It wouldn't make much sense in having you move now. Especially for a one spot difference" I say this time cutting her off. Apparently I was too busy staring at her again to notice where I was walking, because next thing I know I was stumbling and about to fall down.

Damn! Why must I always stare too hard at this girl every time I see her? I seriously have got to cut down on all the staring before it becomes a serious problem.

That is, unless... What if I use her profession against her? After all she is a physical therapist and I was just involved in an accident. Hmm.. maybe this can work out to my advantage after all?

"Woah! Careful. Are you okay?" she asks with a look of extreme worry etched onto her face.

Yup. I'm definitely going through with this. "Yeah, no worries. That happens a lot actually. I guess I'm still not used to being on own two my feet yet" I say laughing. "I haven't walked much since I got out of the hospital yesterday. I've been in a coma for months and I've been having a hard time walking and doing simple things since I got released. I was considering someone to help me out with that actually" I lie to her.

"Oh maybe I can help you?" she nervously asks me as she fiddles with her keys some more. "I mean, that's if you haven't found anyone yet?"

Now that was easy. Maybe a little too easy for my amusement. But regardless of that, I still have to seal the deal before it gets away. "Oh. Sorry I already did. I was actually on my way home to call and make my first appointment" I lie again, watching her smile fall. "Buuut... Since you're my new neighbor I can just not hire the other guy after all and hire you instead? You know, as a neighborly favor? So how does Friday sound to you?" I boldly decided to ask her.

After a few seconds of silence as the taller brunette blankly stared at me, I was considering backing out of my plan until she surprises me by nodding frantically. "Yes! Of course! I'd be happy to help you!"

Next thing I know she scribbles something on the back of a business card she pulled from her back pocket and hands it to me. "Here. This is my old business card. But since I moved, all that information is useless except for my name and email. My cell and apartment numbers are on the back. Call me and let me know what works best for you" she replies with a cheeky smile. "Now I really have to go before I'm even more late then I already am. It was nice meeting you blondie".

And with that she gets in her car and drives away leaving me smirking at card she just gave me.

Hmm.. So the mystery girl's name is Emily Fields?

Well Emily.. You have absolutely no idea what I have in store fore you.

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