chapter 11

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My eyes fluttered open the next morning "my back is going to die from here" I mutter to myself. I groan sitting up, across from me Sakura was still asleep so I was safe there. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to change into my normal clothes before I make my way to the kitchen where kakashi was already awake reading his book, tazuna was getting ready himself to go to the bridge, and Min was sitting at the table humming to herself

I walk up behind the girl and hold my arm back, and swung my palm to make contact with the back of her head, min yelped instantly covering her head, rubbing the spot where I got her "what the fuck?!" Min shouts
"You keep leaving me with the crazy pink head!" I glare at the red head. Min pouted her lip looking up at me "I didn't want to be around her"

Twitching my nose "and I wanted to?!"
"There is always the option to sneak into the boys room!"
I choke on my spit, giving Min another hit in the head. She yelped again pouting as she mumbled to herself 
"And morning you two" I greet kakashi and tazuna

"Morning sophia, how are you feeling?" Kakashi asks, clearly hearing the conversation "Oh you are real funny. Real funny" I shake my head

"But I am ready for some guarding action!"  Min winks finishing off her food "yeah then maybe you will stop being so grouchy" I add sarcastically

Not much longer sakura and sasuke appeared. We all ate breakfast making small talk "alright let's go" tazuna announces standing up and grabbing his stuff. The rest of us following him putting our shoes on and going outside into the burning sun 

"Are we not going to wait for naruto?" Sakura asked Kakashi  "hes pushed his body to the limit. Overdueing it as usual, he may not be able to move today at all. I leave him in tsunami's hands"

"Are you sure you should go? You are still recovering yourself" tsunami asks the grey haired guy who chuckles "why do I look wobbly? I'll be okay" 

"Haven't worked him hard enough have you?"

This time Min slapped me over the head, the sharp pain had me whimper and cradle my head "Jesus fuck!"

Tazuna was finished with all of these  conversations clearly as he coughed  "come on. We need to go" we all follow him, I wave and smile at tsunami who waves back.

Arriving to the bridge, only hearing our footsteps, everything else was silent shouldn't it be loud? My answer was ahead, with bodies littering the floor "hold on. What the heck is this?!" Tazuna gasped, his body taken aback. They were all groaning from clear pain, clearly someone had attack them. Min and I were first to grab a kuani and shuriken "this isn't good" I speak

Clearly it must be zabuza and his helper "what happened? Someone was here, someone got to them!" Tazuna yelled, looking at the workers 

Answering his questions, cloudy fog began to appear around us "sasuke, Min, Sophia, sakura. Get ready" I jump in front of tazuna so we made a circle around him, my kunai now in my hand, raking over the fog, trying to find any shadow 

"Kakashi sensei, its zabuza isn't it? This is his hidden mist jutsu" Sakura asks 

"Im sorry I kept you waiting kakashi. I see you still got those brats with you" my fist tightened around my kunai looking around

"And that one is still trembling.pitiful " zabuza taunts 

In a flash a group of zabuza clones surrounded us, I push tazuna further in the circle holding up my kunai 

Sasuke chuckles catching zabuza's attention "I'm trembling with..excitement" sasuke answers 

Zabuza looks at sasuke with interest

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