chapter 4

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Trying to keep pace with sasuke as he walked infront of me, he ignored me everytime I called out. By the time we arrived to a building, I think this  his place. He unlocked the door answering my question walking right in, leaving the door open but not saying anything

"Such nice hospitality" I laugh

Walking in the place looked tidy, too tidy like no one ever touched anything or moved anything. Reminded me of a furnished house that's set up when it's for sale.

Sasuke had walked off somewhere, turning my head looking through each room "hey! Sasuke! You just going to let a stranger walk round your house?! At least give me a tour you emo duckbutt!"

No response

Oh this is going to be fun. Running to the kitchen to find something that I could grab to eat, since I'm being ignored, I'll just make myself at home.

I heard the front door close, I stare out the window seeing him walk towards the training field

It was the end of the day before the boy showed up again, while I had raided his cupboard, i also amde myself comfy on his couch

I pop my head over the couch, we both make eye contact. He was clearly training with the dirt and heavy breathing he was taking in "nice training?" I grin sitting up

He gave me one stare and carried on walking. I groan throwing myself back into the couch "YOU CANT IGNORE ME FOREVER!"


"Just kill me man" I cry to Min who sat beside me, while team 7 went off to do a mission, since they had to go into the forest, Min and I declared to stay on the bench and wait.

Min laughs at my suffering, as she would. Bitch.
"Did you really think he was going to be all sunshine and fucking rainbows?" She shakes her head in a giggle fit

I raise my eyebrow at her with a deep frown "shut up! You got stuck with a guy who reads porn everywhere he goes" I poke my tongue out

She shrugs "I don't care, his place is amazing! And bro. Bro. I think I nearly died when I heard him taking a shower. HE WAS NAKED NEAR ME"

"Okay one, ew. Two, you guys have talked?" I ask
She nodds smiling down at me, I seriously hate how tall this asshole is

"Yeah most of the time. I'm his guest he needs to be nice" she winks at me. I roll my eyes and watch the forest "how much longer do you think they will be? I'm bored" I sigh swinging my legs

Min made a sound like she agreed standing up "I don't think we have sat for so long in ages" Min mumbled scanning the area

"Well since we have nothing to do we may as well think of everything we have noted so far" I say

Min sits back down beside me "so we have physically changed, your tall now, which I hate you for. Our face and hairs the same, but our clothes are not even close to normal" we were both still wearing the same clothes we came in, still needing to sort out a way of income and get new clothes

"I bet that old lady did this!" I groan

"Why would she send us here?" Min asks, I shrug

'At this point its the only suspect" I look down at the rings, that was the only oringal thing on us "but these are still on us so she plays a part some how" Min holds up her own hand looking at her ring "she was mumbling when she pricked us, so she might of done something"

One more thing coming to my mind after Min's comment that blared in my head "do you think anyone has noticed we are gone? Or if they are trying to find us?"

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