chapter 18

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Shino won his fight just before against zaku, who was the one who had his arms broken by sasuke during the forest of death, the next fight was between Sakura and ino. They both fell to the ground after colliding their fist in each other's faces
No one made a sound as we waited for someone to become a winner or to get up "since we cannot determine a winner, by double knock out both do not go through to the finals. The fight is over" the sick Procter announces
,"Sakura!" Naruto calls out
"She's fine naruto" I pat his shoulder, his eyes were stuck on the Pinkett but he nods
Kakashi who I didn't even know was here landed in the arena picking sakura up bridal style jumping back up to the stairs case, asuma holding ino in his arms followed suit behind kakashi
"Sakura! Are you okay?!" Naruto yelled getting a iron grip on my arm "ow!" I Yelp trying to remove his hands "my arm needs air too!"
He didn't answer me, but kakashi did quiet him down with a shush, asuma giving the blonde a answer "I don't think any treatment is necessary. They will probably just wake up after a little while" the team 10's sensei didn't look worried at the injuries on ino as he kept on inhaling his smoke

"Hey, what did I miss?"  A new voice interrupted behind me
"Min! Where were you?" I smile at my best friend, she didn't smile back for a millisecond
She wasn't looking at me though, but she was glaring, who ever was at the end of it is a poor poor bastard
Fighting the grip of narutos hand around my shoulder still i waiting for her to answer me "You were gone longer then you should of" Min broke her contact with the person behind my back letting her eyes fall on me "I was out for a walk. Hey" Min smirked at asuma

Asuma noticed she had spoken to him, he just stared at her with confusion "you got anymore I can spare off you?" She points to the stick burning on his lips
"A cigarette?" Min nods
Asuma looked confused but gave Min a spare cigarette, Min let it sit between her lips holding her hand back out "got a light?"
Asuma flips his zippo lighter letting the end light up. I roll my eyes as the girl inhales the smoke "yoy seemed to quiting so well" I shake my head
"Special times call for special measures"

I glare at the red head "who annoyed you?"
She rolled her eyes blowing smoke into my face

The sound of the board stopped me from attacking Min, the names shining brightly

TenTen VS Temari

I leaned against the railing, beside min watching the fight below "now can you tell me what's up?" I mutter under my breathe houd enough only for Min to hear

I keep my eye on the battle below, Tenten tried to attack temari with weapons and scrolls. Temari didn't look at all worried and kept a smirk on her face
Min didn't reply but I could see clouds of smoke in the corner of my eye so I knew she was still beside me
I didn't try to get her to talk, I knew she would when she was ready

The battle between temari and tenten continued on, temari finally using her fan to block the rain of steel targeting her with one single harsh twist with her fan the wind destroyed the weapons course to hit her

With the look on tenten's face she was getting pissed off. Why did this top part had to be a little too far to hear what they are saying?
The kunai and shuriken and many other weapons that were stabbed in the ground, levitate with the movement of tenten's hands. I almost missed the small sparkle of the wire that was attached to the handles that were coming from the brunettes finger tips
She aimed them all again at the sand ninja, attacking her once more. Temari not breaking a sweat repeated her fan sweep destroying the move, and this time tenten's body was thrown to the ground from the air where she floated a few seconds beforehand

While tenten sat up to glare at temari, the blonde disappeared from infront of the leaf ninja, and appear behind tenten on her fan floating
"Holy fuck" I gasp "so fucking awesome" grinning to myself, it's like a massive magic carpet!
Tenten noticed her presence behind her in time to see Temari land on her feet, throwing some words to the confused girl before swiping her fan creating massive winds that surrounded tenten
" she being cut?" I nod at min
"Yeah" I squinted my eyes to see little droplets of blood fall in random spots
I don't know how long it lasted until temari stopped the wind, tenten's body fell directly on the handle of temari's fan bending her body, she was out cold
Everyone around was blew out in conversation, lee and neji looked worried for their teammate who was yet to move
Their sensei gai looked like he was calculating the whole match
The Procter wasted no time to walk up to announce "this fight is over, temari wins" even from here I could spot the smirk on her face "wait a second!" The upset teammate Lee jumps down, temari threw tenten's body where Lee could catch her. Once he held her in his arms, he looked up at temari clearly saying something to her "how the fuck can we hear that guy but no one else?" I look at Min with a confused look on my face

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