Chapter 8: The Final Cries of Death

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Danny found himself by Lake Eeree. Danny landed on the ground and sat down as he thought about what was going on. It had been very quiet for a while and then Danny heard something he didn't expect.

"What are you doing son?" Jack's voice came from behind Danny and Danny stood up and saw his father in a ghost form.

"I'm doing what I have to, to protect everybody." Danny replied emotionally.

"Are you protecting everyone, or are you pushing them away?" Jack asked this and Danny looked away and shook his head.

"Don't act like you EVER knew me. I was a ghost for years and you couldn't even tell. I snuck behind your back constantly and you didn't even notice." Danny snapped and he tried to walk away but Jack let out a long sigh.

"You're not wrong Danny." There was a heaviness in Jack's voice that Danny had never heard before. Danny stopped and turned to his fathers spirit and looked to him sadly. "But whenever you did need me, I was there. It's not exactly my fault that you didn't take that opportunity while I was alive. Then again, I can't help but wonder if you ever realized how much I love you." Jack then looked to Danny regretfully. "Son, you are ten times the man I ever was. You're braver, smarter, and that's because you have every good gene from your mother, and the few good genes from me." Jack then looked out at the lake. "The only time I EVER felt like a real father to you was when we fought ghosts on this lake. It was the only time I saved your life, and yet you have saved mine and Amity Park's lives for years."

"They sure seem to appreciate it now." Danny said sarcastically.

"Son they're just looking for someone to blame. That's what people do in times like this, but eventually they WILL see the truth, and the worst part is that you KNOW it because they always have. They may blame you for a while, but they do see the truth in the end. That's because, even though humans aren't always the brightest, we were born with the instinct to know when someone is good and when someone is bad. We just tend to let our feelings get in the way." Jack said this as he started to walk over to Danny.

"I don't think it's going to happen this time Dad." Danny admitted.

"I understand more than you know Danny." Jack said this and then he put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "But I can tell you one thing for sure Son. Things NEVER turn out the way you think they will. I mean, look at me, I've become the very thing I hunted my entire life. Sometimes it takes the worst thing imaginable to change a person for the better. I am now more free than I've ever been and yet I will always be one portal away from you and the family. I never really appreciated how great my family is until I had to watch you from the distance, living your lives without me. I'm just glad I left everybody that I have grown to love over the years in good hands." Jack said surely.

"Yeah, and who's hands are they?" Danny asked as he expected Jack to say Jazz or Maddie's name.

"Yours." Jack said this and Danny looked to him hopefully and he then looked down at the ground.

"Then how come every time I feel like I've done the best thing for everybody it backfires in my face?" Danny asked and Jack smirked.

"Nobody ever made a difference playing it safe Danny. I assure you son, everything will be just fine. Some things just take time." Jack assured Danny and for the first time in a while, Danny felt like he could believe in himself. Then he looked to Jack with mixed emotions.

"It sucks that we're just now getting this close, and you're dead." Danny cried as he emotionally smiled.

"No Danny," Jack said and then he patted Danny on the shoulder. "it's a blessing, because I know that you will rebuild the ghost portal so that I can spend as much time with everyone as possible. You are your mother's son after all." Jack said proudly.

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