Full Stockholm.

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I wake on his chest, the room feels different and I open my eyes to find we're both laying in the wrong orientation, our heads at the foot of the bed.
Rome is out for the count, his jaw slack and his arms lax, I slip out from under them.
The things we did, things I did to him.
Oh god...
Bad girl, Lucy.
So bad... but oh so good.

I tiptoe to the bathroom, stretching as I go, I notice the absence of sound.
Of rattling to be precise.
Looking at my feet, there's no chain.... not even on my wrist. Rome hasn't stirred, is he letting me go?

Mind fuck, do I want to go?
Go where?

The only thing I want for certain is coffee, as quietly as I can manage I pour a cup and head somewhere previously forbidden, the outside world through my glass doors.
The sun beams down and now I'm untethered I can reach it's warming rays, the other side of the glass feels like heaven on my skin.
I soak it up for all it's worth.

I'm in a small paved courtyard with tall concrete walls over thirty feet high, the siding of the tall old house is sandstone brick and crumbling. There's a steel grate directly over head that looks overgrown with Ivy, not accessible even if I managed to scale the walls.
There's not a chance I'm even going to try.
I do the only thing I can, I sit down and enjoy my coffee on the porch swing in the sun.
I raise my knees and hug them, I sip slowly and raise my face to the sky, guilt free orgasms, hot coffee, swings and sunshine.

Could there be anything better?

"I bet you have no idea how beautiful you look right now"
My head snaps back to the door, to Rome standing casually against the frame in only his sweatpants.
He thinks I'm beautiful?
He is beauty personified.

"With those Tatts, I know you know your appeal" I lick my lips.
He has a more confident swagger today, he doesn't ask, he just lifts me to take my seat offering me his lap in exchange.
He sips my coffee and hands it back.

Nope, not sexy..... okay, so fucking sexy.

"With those tits, sweetheart you're all appeal" he moans in my ear.
"I couldn't find my clothes, that was my last clean outfit" I blush.
"Good, I prefer you naked anyway"

He kisses down my shoulder and I try not to shy away, I know after last night I have no reason..... except the fact I'm still imprisoned here.

"I'll get your laundry done before I leave" he assures me when I don't respond.
"Dr. Roman Knight, with a K...... " I sigh heavy and tense.
"Dr. Lucy, Swancott, with two T's" he frowns like he senses my trepidation.
"Why am I here?" I don't look at him.
"It was here or nowhere, I chose here"
"Can I leave? Am I free to go now?"
"No..... I'm sorry no" he sighs too.
"What would you do? If I tried to leave?" I have to know.
"I don't know" he shrugs.
"Would you hit me?" I whisper into my coffee.
"Never" he rubs gentle hands up and down my shoulders.
"Drug me?" I press.
"Probably, if it came to that" he answers honestly.

Like Myles did.
I try not to think of that and study the mythology inked into Roman's arms. Gods and angels, ancient architecture. It's beautiful.
His skin is so smooth under my touch.

"I wouldn't ever hurt you, not even with drugs, anything I give you, I know is safe. When he's gone, you can walk out the front door and never come back, not unless you choose to" he gets right to the point of it.
"And if I choose to?" I don't look at him.
"Lucy, you must have some idea.... do you think I'd risk everything, my doctors license, my career, my freedom, do you think I'd throw all that away for just anybody?" His words are just normal words strung together to form a sentence.

But the way he says them, the effect they have on my internal organs is nothing normal at all, how can I feel both jelly like and anxious all at once.

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