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"Myles?" I croak.
"Fortunately not"
"Myles" I call.

I don't know how long I've been here or how long I've slept. I don't know what has been done or what he's doing now.
The strip of sight I'm gifted with only allows me to see his back, through the blindfold it looks as if he could be baking. Stirring something in a bowl.
Surley I've lost my mind.
Shadows fill the corners of the room suggesting that it's still dark out.

My head spins and my stomach clenches with fear.

"What have you done to me, what's wrong with my head?" I whisper.
I have no strength, no power to even hold my head up.

My wists burn with strain, I feel my pulse hammer through them with the way they are bound above my head, the constraints thin and biting... cable ties. I feel the cold metal bar with my fingers and try to pull my way free.

It's pointless.

"Shh" he whispers.

The sound of a party or loud music far away gives me a feeling I could scream and no one would hear.
I don't bother.
I don't bother moving from the cold hard tiles, I think I'm in a bathroom, a large space by the echo of my voice.

When I next wake I feel him, shivering with cold, I feel the heat of his fingers. This time I'm laying down, my wrists are still bound but this time in front of me, this time with something thicker and slightly more comfortable, this time with a length of chain too heavy to lift.

This time I'm naked.

The bone cold enamel of an empty bathtub burns the skin at my back.

"Please" I beg in a whimper.
"Shh" I'm met with the same response.
"Don't hurt me, please" I cry.

Those hot hands fumble with my blindfold and the soft fabric disappears, though uncovered I'm still left without sight. A bright overhead light burns and my vision blurs, my tears keep me blinded.

A strange thing, the familiar feel of a brush against my scalp, the cold feeling of dye and the smell of the salon......

He's colouring my hair..... oh god....... he's one of those psychos.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die a horrible death. My mother will have to watch this back on a true crime documentary.

Oh god. 
I sob, I can't help it.

"Please..... please let me go"
"Shhh" he repeats like he knows no other word.

I do, I keep my mouth shut so I don't anger him. I lay still because I'm powerless to do anything else.

I wake with the water, gentle hands wash over my body. Methodical and even, every part of my body is washed with a cloth or a loofah. He doesn't linger where he shouldn't and he doesn't take his time.
At least now the cold enamel is filled with water, even if it is a little too hot for comfort.

This time my head feels a little clearer, my vision somewhat sharper.

"Where am I?" I wonder.
But I already know, I'm naked in a bathtub with a murderer.
"Nowhere..... and that's where you'll stay" he speaks like he's not speaking to me.

"Please..... please just let me go" I beg.

Suddenly I'm lifted with a jerk, my heavy head falls slack and the sound of rustling chains has me fighting against him. I feel his strength, it's no match for my own. I could fight but I'd never win.
He lays me down, now onto a blanket on the floor, my chain gets attached to a hand rail on the wall.

I blink into the light, I can make out dark hair, wide shoulders and blood red stained hands. With my mind I scan my body for injury, what has he done to me?!

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